Is it time to panic yet?

Whether it's time to panic would depend on what Sheikh Mansour has set his sights upon. If it's about European domination at the expense of everything else, then he may the one to do the panicking. If it's about just finishing somewhere in the top four, the rest of us are the ones to panic. Being a football supporter is an unforgiving way of spending hard earned money. If I could have my way, I'd be looking at clearing the decks of most of the old guard and I would embark on a team rebuilding strategy with a three year plan. Start off with a top notch specialist keeper who's job it is to keep clean sheets and to dominate the penalty area at set pieces, then I'd build a back four that plays together, week in and week out, none of this silly rotation stuff. The next step would be to sign a midfield enforcer, probably someone who is close to the manager and who knows his way of thinking and who could crack the whip out there if someone is wilting. After that, we could think about the flair players which, here, should be the easy bit as we do have choice here.
Unfortunately, the expense of 3 year or 5 year plans to the supporters pockets will rule this out, success being demanded immediately before those supporters die.
Let's make no mistakes, the last 5 years was, or should have been, our dynasty. Instead, and because of this Barca obsession, we failed to back and then removed Mancini and then replaced him with a underfunded stopgap Yes Man Pelligrini. All of course so we could bring in Guardiola, who is proving to be the epitome of the phrase 'be careful what you wish for!'

Gross over indulgent mismanagement of the finest order.
Let's make no mistakes, the last 5 years was, or should have been, our dynasty. Instead, and because of this Barca obsession, we failed to back and then removed Mancini and then replaced him with a underfunded stopgap Yes Man Pelligrini. All of course so we could bring in Guardiola, who is proving to be the epitome of the phrase 'be careful what you wish for!'

Gross over indulgent mismanagement of the finest order.

Two things:

1) we are only six months into Pep's tenure, yet you're already deeming it a failure
2) hindsight is a wonderful thing. For all you know we might have kept Mancini, lost the likes of silva and Aguero and be in an even worse position now.

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