Is Mancini a likeable fool, but nothing more?

This thread is certainley living proof that some City fans are never happy whatever! I expect when we win the Prem, The FA Cup and the CL, there will still be people like the OP questioning and criticising.

It's the nature of the game that some times you win and some times you lose, all the top teams lose and sometimes quite badly, what people need to do, is get things in perspective, a one off loss is not a bad thing, it's what happens, you will get upset and wallow in misery until you accept this fact of life.
tommytheblue said:
the only fool is the original poster!

Fools dont win titles three years in a row, a trophy at every club he has been at!
Robinho has played what 3 or 4 games limited appearances for mancini and has been harbouring the desire to leave for sometime. The execs made the decision to let him go. The owners spent vast amounts in the summer, and were hoping not to spend big in january. The execs again do the transfers, as they did with Hughes.

Mancini has sighted a right back, who is highley rated, above davide santon at inter!

eh- i've had enough..
Yes they do, Feriscum has done it and he's a fucking idiot!
I like Mancini though!
In the interest of fairness, the OP posted some observations for discussion (this is a forum isn’t it?)

Reading the responses I think we can safely say all his topics have been soundly dealt with.

We can all now move on.

This thread can stop now, mods, please remove it.
FFS have some city fans not got any brains whatsoever.

The guy is italian, ergo a bit more defensively minded than the average manager, he has won a shit load of cups and titles in italy.

He managed to get us through the management change without seeing the join, infact we played a more cohesive sort of team game now than we ever did under Hughes.

We all know January is a tough time for signings, and Vieira will be a good influence IMO in the dressing room.

As for Robinho, well I'm happy that he is now playing for Santos, he legitimised City as our first big signing but he clearerly does not want to be here and therefore its the right thing to move him on, albeit on loan.

Hughes never had the nads to drop him or even take him off, and whilst you can say he was not the ideal choice to come on at Everton, he did absolutely nothing to tell me that he can cut it at the top level in the Premier League (Arsahvin is the best example of what to do here).

We have enough attacking options already once everyone is back, for me we need to stabilise the back four.

Mancini has continued with our tradition of blooding the kids (which I for one think is awesome and very brave) and he also is very flexible in his tactics, and changes things as the game progresses. We are overall more difficult to beat and all the good teams that win things consistently are hard to beat.

hes less than 4 weeks in, so keep this sort of shite for when you are completeely pissed and talking shite (or maybe you where when you posted it).

Bombo said:
Is Mancini a likeable fool and nothing more? We all love the way he wears his city scarf and his stylish Italian threads, but I'm beginning to wonder if he is all show and no substance.
He signs vieria an injured player who has up to now been of no use whatsoever and let's robinho go out on loan. Fair play robinho hasn't done much more than vieria but were people on here not criticising Hughes for not being able to get the best out of him. Well Mancini couldn't either.
People called Hughes for saying obviously too many times in interviews and playing too many defensive midfielders. Well Mancini always says 'it is important' whatever question he is asked and against the rags played zabaletta, de Jong and Barry in midfield, one more DM than Hughes used to pick.
Hughes at least signed some players in January such as bellamy, de Jong and given and all had an impact. Mancini has signed a injured has been, and is trying to loan a right back that can't get in roma's team who are not exactly setting the world on fire at the moment.
It is fair to say he has failed in his only two severe tests up to now against the rags and everton, and we were a bit fortunate at home against the rags though the team showed great commitment.
What I'm saying is I'm not sure about the guy especially as a couple of signings could have made a big difference in the semi final and as such wonder if our owners aren't too sure either hence the lack of transfer activity. Do they not trust him to spend the cash or is he merely a baby sitter for someone else until the summer.
here we go again...........FFS !
It is fair enough that the op presents some questions, it's not always a garden full of roses and I can't help think by our transfer dealings the owners are not a 100% sure on him.

I am though, he's such a drastic improvement on Hughes and in 9 games has shown more as a coach than Hughes did in 18 months. There's no doubt he's making a few mistakes along the way but that's natural. The injuries to the squad haven't helped, would Stevie have started if he was fit? I think he would.

But to the op, to say is he all style and no substance is like a really lazy form of journalism, it's like 'is his scarf all he's about'.... well quite simply no, it isn't!
Serious question to the OP:-

Would you have posed the question if Rooney's last minute header had hit the bar, and we would have won on penalties after extra time?

The dividing line betweem success and failure can be very fine............
I simply think that the owners have learnt their lesson from last time, and aren't prepared to pump millions into transfers just yet. After all, if we're being realistic it's not like we need them.
The team look alot more organised under Mancini than they ever did under Hughes. So he has a different style, most managers do. As long as we are getting the results, and so far we are, then I'm happy. We've only had 1 bad result and that was against Everton. Don't think we can really count the Carling Cup semi against the rags...they are champions after all, and with good reason, like it or not. We still gave a good account of ourselves against them...
Bombo said:
Is Mancini a likeable fool and nothing more? We all love the way he wears his city scarf and his stylish Italian threads, but I'm beginning to wonder if he is all show and no substance.
He signs vieria an injured player who has up to now been of no use whatsoever and let's robinho go out on loan. Fair play robinho hasn't done much more than vieria but were people on here not criticising Hughes for not being able to get the best out of him. Well Mancini couldn't either.
People called Hughes for saying obviously too many times in interviews and playing too many defensive midfielders. Well Mancini always says 'it is important' whatever question he is asked and against the rags played zabaletta, de Jong and Barry in midfield, one more DM than Hughes used to pick.
Hughes at least signed some players in January such as bellamy, de Jong and given and all had an impact. Mancini has signed a injured has been, and is trying to loan a right back that can't get in roma's team who are not exactly setting the world on fire at the moment.
It is fair to say he has failed in his only two severe tests up to now against the rags and everton, and we were a bit fortunate at home against the rags though the team showed great commitment.
What I'm saying is I'm not sure about the guy especially as a couple of signings could have made a big difference in the semi final and as such wonder if our owners aren't too sure either hence the lack of transfer activity. Do they not trust him to spend the cash or is he merely a baby sitter for someone else until the summer.

Mancini is clearly an intelligent guy and as they say it takes one to know one maybe this is why you have started this thread

Yes, Hughes was criticised Hughes for using "obviously" too many times but to compare a non native speaker's lack of language to a native speaker is frankly ridiculous especially as the non native has only been learning for a year or so.

So Hughes signed a number of players last January and Mancini hasn't. Based on that you have decided that he is not being backed because he's a temp! Well our need last January was totally different to this and our expectations are also different as in six months time depending upon out league position in May we could be shopping at the top echelons of players

Please engage brain before starting threads

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