Is Money everything?

Once you get past your basic needs (food/shelter/warmth) it depends how much you value materialistic things. The trouble is so many people struggle with the basics and life is really hard without the money to do that.

Beyond that it’s all bollocks. Society judges you based on the type of car you have or clothes you wear or house or own but some of the more affluent people I have met and known in my life work all hours/drive shit cars/dress like a tramp/live in a nondescript house/never go on holiday (in my view a waste of having cash, donate it all if you won’t spend it). And equally some I have met and known own mansions, Ferrari’s/etc, flash the cash (£300k on a birthday party in Vegas flash) and so on. None of it really matters. I’ve always said I swap my money for memories, these are the things you remember on your deathbed
I'm sorry to say that money is everything.
But only because everything in life depends on it.

The phrase "money doesn't bring you happiness" is often cited.
When a wealthy person commits suicide everybody is quick to say, "see all tha money didn't make them happy".

Your happiness in life is down to you, not your wealth though.
If you constantly put money before friends and family, that's more down to you not the money.
Some people see that as a sacrifice to secure a better future. Doing that makes some people happy.

I'm loving life at the moment.
I'm the most financially secure than i've ever been.
Having some spare money is making me happy.

Having some spare money means i'm able to choose the work i do. I then have more time for others.
Being able to treat my friends and family is making me happy.

Life without money is extremely hard. Having all the friends and family in the world doesn't stop the terror of a bill arriving that you cannot pay.
I started my life in extreme poverty. I've watched my parent drink to excess, because they couldn't face opening another final demand. (yep they could have used the beer money towards the bill. Great if it was only one etc)

The trick with money is to find the right balance. Give it the respect it deserves. Never lose sight as to why you thought you needed more in the first place.
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Money is there to be respected, so watch the pennies and the pounds look after themself. The wife's been screaming to update the comp, but with eternal patience, resilience and a belief in my fellow ram has seized the day. New wireless adapter, a fix on the graphic and another stick of blessed memory and nowt this beast of burden cannot do.

Amd-A8 5600 with 16 ram and a terra drive that takes seven minutes to boot up. No built in WI-fi or Bluetooth, I grant you and also no express slots free .... but it's a happy AsRock mobo, asks of me nothing, yet gives everything! Ask not what your country can do for you but rather what you can do for your country.

I could buy a 11th generation jobbie Right Now next day delivery with 16 gig ram and a 1650 card and it could not give me any more pleasure than I already have. Yes.. it's SSD would boot in seconds of that I cannot digress but I don't mind waiting 7 minutes as it allows me time to make a nice Cappuccino latte from Tassino. As for gaming I can play most things with my T1050i so no mither. Main operandi is for Moon Walking, music and general surfing. Some photo editing which it does with total ease why do i need to buy another one for 800 billies when I have little need ..also j'adore the Win 7 and L'horreur the win 10.

We scoff rather well, but are keen to get the best deal, also we drink well but only at the correct price. The right price/the wrong price and choose the wrong one at your own fiscal peril. Just bought in some La Moneda that is thrashing tackle @ £4.50the bottle and beyond reproach.

Holidays ..We continue playing Thomson/Jet2 Roulette in as much as whatever comes out the cheapest for the best star ratings will see us check-canopies and jump. Never knowing our final destination as we drop through the cumulus is a real adventure. The best bang for our bucks actually equates to more holidays for less, so respect the coin of the realm. Sunshine is sunshine wherever you sit and a beach is a beach.

Money is a necessity, but it's not a means to an end. If some clever sausage has half a million ..then you can create the same buying power with 125k. It's a car.. it's a house.. its a drink.. it's a plate of food .. Perceived value and enjoy the cards you're dealt. If you have little to no spare coin then you are still light years ahead of our overseas contingent who do not have a pot to piss in. Don't look forward at the 10 per cent of the world that has more, but rather look back at the 90 per cent of the world that have less. We are all to a man rich beyond belief, yet cannot see, for the arse-smoke being blown out of our medias. Edited for syntax
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I never used to think it was up until I got put on short term at work doing 1-3 days a week work. Now I'm struggling financially it's shit basically living from week to week.
I miss that small things getting a take away on a Saturday night and popping off to the shops to treat the kids...
I'm easily pleased in life, Once I've my rent, shopping, gas, electric, then I'm happy and anything after that is a bonus. I miss those times, Then again alot of people worse off left homeless and lost everything due to Covid so I can't be to upset over it, I've a roof over my head and food on the table that's the main thing.
I've gone from having no money as a kid, clothes from Charity shops etc to having very little when I started working as moved out at 17 and was an apprentice to now having enough to be comfortable, I don't live an extravagant lifestyle, I detest spending money on clothes and other stuff for myself, don't have a fancy car, but my Son and Wife will never go without and I will never have 'savings' as I much prefer spending spare money on Holidays and days out, making memories. I don't think it makes you happier but it does allow you to experience things some people couldn't which makes me feel sad because I've been there.
Once you get past your basic needs (food/shelter/warmth) it depends how much you value materialistic things. The trouble is so many people struggle with the basics and life is really hard without the money to do that.

Beyond that it’s all bollocks. Society judges you based on the type of car you have or clothes you wear or house or own but some of the more affluent people I have met and known in my life work all hours/drive shit cars/dress like a tramp/live in a nondescript house/never go on holiday (in my view a waste of having cash, donate it all if you won’t spend it). And equally some I have met and known own mansions, Ferrari’s/etc, flash the cash (£300k on a birthday party in Vegas flash) and so on. None of it really matters. I’ve always said I swap my money for memories, these are the things you remember on your deathbed

Nail on the head. But the reality is money also provides you with memories. Yes it’s true you’ll remember a good holiday to Blackpool with your friends but you’re also really remember a 5* Safari to Botswana with your Mrs too.

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