Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

BillyShears said:
glen quagmire said:
Great spot btw..

Speaks volumes that he hasn't returned to the thread to post since he started it.

Mike D is a blue, he went to the same school as my brother, and he was right about Hughes btw. I'm largely pro-Mancini, but his lack of results in Europe could prove costly with Guardiola available. I know the likes of us tend to write off the CL, but I doubt our owner is overly impressed.
BillyShears said:
Didsbury Dave said:
so you can't see the irony of complaining about a thread being 'tiresome' whilst repeatedly contributing to it?

You can't see the irony in comparing the posters in it to pub bores, whilst plonking yourself in the next seat?

Of course he doesn't just as all the other nitwits who've crawled out of the woodwork since Wednesday to remind us what terrible supporters we are ... funny the number of posters who you never ever see in an actual discussion about the team or even on the forum itself in some cases, until such time as Mancini drops a fucking enormous bollock. Then they turn up en masse to tell us to "get behind the manager ffs" "stop moaning ffs" "just be happy ffs".

I'm still pissing myself at swp's back telling me that he has a more enjoyable "supporter experience" than me because of what I post on here. Separating the men from the boys has never been easier.
ok I'll try an analogy for you, I have plenty of investors that are invested in the exact same funds. Some check the fund values every day and are on the phone to me every other time BBC news says its been a bad day in the markets, some just don't worry about as they know it won't be a good day every day.

Now they both make the same amount, both have the same return, but which one has the better experience?
Blue Heaven said:
sam-caddick said:
johnny crossan said:
It is difficult to encounter such an extraordinary endorsement of Rafa outside deepest Toxteth or from members of his close family. Your predictions for Mancini's future failure are duly noted but I am grateful that these were your final words on the subject of a man who had your total support until Wednesday teatime. (I would like to hear more from the voices you hear concerning Guardiola's cockney preferences tho')

It's rubbish that he only wants a London club.

Pep wants to be flirted with a project that will give him most satisfaction, this is according to the pundits on Revista.

I don't think he will go to Chelsea in my opinion, Roman is number 1 and demands complete power, plus there isn't really a big big challenge to win the European Cup again compared to a club like us.

Pep could see us as the club who he can win the first European Cup with, he will have all his past Barcelona associates on the board in Soriano etc.. He will have complete power, a good spending kitty, and probably most importantly, implementing the Cruyff total football/ Tika Taka system into our new world class academy - that would be priceless!

I love Mancini, but there are many managers who can win us titles, but only a few who can win in Europe! It is up to the owners to make decisions of course.

Mancini is noisily making the owner's decision for him by continuing to fight his in-house battles (previous medical staff, Marwood and always with his own players) in front of the entire footballing world via the rapacious British footy media. This is not how a classy and generous, but naturally conservative Arab sheik likes to do business. Now he defends Gregucci by saying that AG has only worked with our defenders exactly ONCE since he was hired. If so, why does AG have a title and a wage packet?

Mancini's "my way or the highway" commentary about Micah's foolish public comment is reminiscent of his public slating of Hart, of all people, after his innocent and frankly appropriate comments after the Bernabeu debacle. While it is inappropriate for any player to question his manager's tactics in the media, it seems incredible that Mancini would react the way he did in both instances (Hart, Richards) given that he has humiliated his own players in the media countless times himself. Richards has been Mancini's most vocal defender, time and again, but you can be sure he won't make that mistake ever again. Hart must also have been none too pleased after Mancini teed off on him for no reason. This is all so incredibly reminiscent of how Mancini's tenure at Inter unraveled during his final season. He was sacked by Moratti not only for failing in the CL multiple times, but also because he completely alienated his entire squad. He fought that season publicly with most of his star players, including the ones HE brought to Inter, even Patrick Vieira.

Mancini is like those protagonists in old Greek tragedies, a heroic figure with a fatal personality flaw. In the end, he's always his own worst enemy. The clock is ticking, the fuse is set...
interesting take, and I agree with a lot of it, although you'll get flack on here of course.

Like last season, if Mancini wins the league I believe he'll be bombproof regardless. But his abrasive traits leave him wide open when things go wrong. If we go on a bad run the wheels could come off quite quickly, I believe. The last few league games he's got things dead right, though, so he has something very solid to build on.

Regardless of any of this, as I keep saying, there's no way he's going anywhere for the rest of this season, and quite right. We were never going to win the CL, so let's go and win the league in style.
If he wins league, then he is safe, that's for sure. But if he fails to do that with all the talent and money spent, combined with disaster in Europe and our inability to play like top team against any half decent side and getting dominated by 3rd rate teams, and only sneaking late wins and/or relaying on counter attacks, then he is a goner.
3 points again but how ? Swansea deserved a point, that's it. Hart with a great save just a minute before Tevez scored...
Individual quality saves our asses again.
We are under performing all season and you re blind if you don't see it.
Its not about two or three games...
The people who are saying that we need to replace Mancini do you even know who we should replace him with.(Im not saying we should replace him by the way).

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