Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

I expect some kind of improvement with the things Mancini's struggled with since the start.

Europe, we are still poor. We still struggle in our bogeyman PL fixtures like Sunderland away or Everton anywhere, without showing any change in approach. It's like we just continue to plug away and hope for the best in these fixtures, not willing to admit that the tactics and personnel that failed us are still failing us.

This whole 'width from the fullbacks' nonsense still hasn't worked outside of the odd game from Micah or Maicon. Fullbacks don't replace wingers, even Barca don't believe that and they have Dani Alves and Jordi Alba.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
DD said:
Imagine how good we would be with the entire Barcelona team at his disposal?

Actually scrub that, we'd probably still be behind United because Messi, Iniesta and Xavi would get rested every other game and then we'd bring them back into absurd formations that none of them are familiar with.
You only ever seem to post when we lose.

A few weeks ago you felt that losing to united could serve a wider purpose, something no City fan I know could ever contemplate.

I imagine you must have enjoyed today.

I actually posted about 50 times the night before we lost our first game, so your second paragraph has completely contradicted your first. As for the third, well, obviously not, or I wouldn't be getting so pissed off with life as to deal with people like yourself who refuse to look beyond the pale.

My opinion is the same now as it is then.

You can throw up that quote all you like (which I admitted was a bit silly soon after I said it) but the point remains; for the long term good, we will be much better off without Mancini.
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
DD said:
Imagine how good we would be with the entire Barcelona team at his disposal?

Actually scrub that, we'd probably still be behind United because Messi, Iniesta and Xavi would get rested every other game and then we'd bring them back into absurd formations that none of them are familiar with.
You only ever seem to post when we lose.

A few weeks ago you felt that losing to united could serve a wider purpose, something no City fan I know could ever contemplate.

I imagine you must have enjoyed today.
Gdm, you can do better than accusing blues of enjoying defeats.

If you don't agree with him, fine, make your points. But the facile and childish 'you must have enjoyed that' is feeble minded and peevish. We are all pissed off but you're a far better poster than that, mate. No offence.

Sorry Dave but the guy doesn't deserve debating with. He quite clearly stated he thought City losing to the scum would serve a wider purpose, in which case GDM is bang on the money.
BlueCityfan said:
Giving Mancini a 5-year contract has to be one the worst decisions of the summer.

Newcastle fans might not agree.......A season comprises many ups and downs. True fans support their team and manager both when they win and when they lose
depends who's available.

we got criticised for talking to mancini before hughes' sacking but if we can get someone ready to fill the gap in the shape of pep then i'd go for it.

unfortunately there aren't many good young managers about.
Mancini doesn't learn his lessons. Sunderland, Stoke and Everton are three clubs you can guarantee will take points off us every season. I know you can't win every game, but you'd think we'd occasionally go to one of these teams and put on a performance and take three points.
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
DD said:
Imagine how good we would be with the entire Barcelona team at his disposal?

Actually scrub that, we'd probably still be behind United because Messi, Iniesta and Xavi would get rested every other game and then we'd bring them back into absurd formations that none of them are familiar with.
You only ever seem to post when we lose.

A few weeks ago you felt that losing to united could serve a wider purpose, something no City fan I know could ever contemplate.

I imagine you must have enjoyed today.
Gdm, you can do better than accusing blues of enjoying defeats.

If you don't agree with him, fine, make your points. But the facile and childish 'you must have enjoyed that' is feeble minded and peevish. We are all pissed off but you're a far better poster than that, mate. No offence.
None taken.

I stand by my point, especially the bit about him only posting when we lose. Something no-one could ever accuse you of.

Anyway, Happy New Year to all fellow blues.
Rammy Blue said:
Didsbury Dave said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
You only ever seem to post when we lose.

A few weeks ago you felt that losing to united could serve a wider purpose, something no City fan I know could ever contemplate.

I imagine you must have enjoyed today.
Gdm, you can do better than accusing blues of enjoying defeats.

If you don't agree with him, fine, make your points. But the facile and childish 'you must have enjoyed that' is feeble minded and peevish. We are all pissed off but you're a far better poster than that, mate. No offence.

Sorry Dave but the guy doesn't deserve debating with. He quite clearly stated he thought City losing to the scum would serve a wider purpose, in which case GDM is bang on the money.

Bollocks. It's just an excuse for you to justify ignoring my absolutely correct points.

I was as gutted as anyone that day and don't believe otherwise.

In fact, re-reading my post, I think it was along the line of "should the worst happen, then this will be the consolation", so I take back my last post. I had nothing to apologise for.

I suppose it sums up the menatlity on here. You want to win battles. I want to win wars. That's what sorts out the men from the boys. You've got a loser's attitude. I've got a winner's attitude.
CC1 said:
BlueCityfan said:
Giving Mancini a 5-year contract has to be one the worst decisions of the summer.

Newcastle fans might not agree.......A season comprises many ups and downs. True fans support their team and manager both when they win and when they lose
Based on this statement no city fan is a true fan after shouting you're not fit to wear the shirt at Blackburn in the FA cup

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