Is our club against capping away prices?

Utterly pointless as the home club would just sell the tickets to home fans, you're implying that the home club cares if no away fans turn up when in fact they couldn't give a shit.
Did you see stadiums like the Britannia or Villa Park yesterday? Thousands of empty seats. Maybe it wouldn't hurt clubs like Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal or Chelsea but it would hurt every other club, us included.
Utterly pointless as the home club would just sell the tickets to home fans, you're implying that the home club cares if no away fans turn up when in fact they couldn't give a shit.

Isn't there rules in place so a certain number or percentage are allocated?

And who is to say the home club has enough fans to fill it anyway?

These "protests" are not very well done. People have to stop buying tickets. That way the clubs will have to lower the tickets to entice people back. A simple concept that for some reason is lost on most football fans in this country.
There's no indication there was any sort of ballot. There is seemingly reliable information that there were soundings taken and from those it became clear that there wouldn't be a majority (which needs 14 clubs to be in favour).This would have been leaked by one or more of the CEO's present.

Whatever happened, it would be nice if our club (and all the others) came out and explained their position to us. They may have a valid argument for taking or not taking a certain position. So, for example, there was a legal case a few years ago where the principle was established that clubs weren't allowed to charge away fans more than home fans for comparable facilities. So it's not hard to see that home fans could make the same case and that an alternative approach (such as the clubs subsidising their fans directly, from the PL's fund, as they do for some games now).

We're one of the few clubs that doesn't even publish a ticket tariff, so you don't know what the prices are for various parts of the stadium for the various category of games. They appear to set prices on a game by game level and there's little doubt our prices are putting off many away fans.

Very good points raised though we still have the cheapest season ticket in the league so we could easily argue comparative prices. Still have to argue the fact that it is pure guesswork of who the clubs are that stood against based on the largest away following. As far as we know could have been the likes of Everton who wouldn't let us discount the Capital One semi as they wanted to get more revenue. Though bizarly they are being named as a club that was stood for capping of prices.
Did you see stadiums like the Britannia or Villa Park yesterday? Thousands of empty seats. Maybe it wouldn't hurt clubs like Liverpool, Spurs, Arsenal or Chelsea but it would hurt every other club, us included.
Aren't they the clubs most likely to be targeted along with the rags and City because they oppose the cap? Not much point boycotting Villa Park when they seemingly support the measure.
Again I am not having a dig art PB but it has been widely reported there was a vote. If there wasn't how where they able to pick a number of 7 opposed to it they would have said premier league clubs as in all decided against it.

Either way that doesn't really matter. We pay the cheapest Champions League and Carling cup prices. Have the cheapest season ticket in the premiership and discount some away games. If anything I would have thought us more than most would be fighting for cheap tickets for our fans.
Most papers have just picked up the remark by Kevin Miles of the FSF that there was a vote. That becomes the accepted truth but Miles wasn't there. The Guardian is saying there was an informal discussion and that no vote was actually taken. That sounds more likely as the matter is still on the table

Agnd what sort of hippy-drippy dreamland do you live in where you seriously believe that our club have some genuine concern that puts our welfare above their profits? This is the club where we haven't heard a fucking peep from Soriano (unless you pay for a dinner with him) in all the time he's been here, which refuses to meet Points of Blue but wil only discuss what it wants to with invited fans.
Most papers have just picked up the remark by Kevin Miles of the FSF that there was a vote. That becomes the accepted truth but Miles wasn't there. The Guardian is saying there was an informal discussion and that no vote was actually taken. That sounds more likely as the matter is still on the table

Agnd what sort of hippy-drippy dreamland do you live in where you seriously believe that our club have some genuine concern that puts our welfare above their profits? This is the club where we haven't heard a fucking peep from Soriano (unless you pay for a dinner with him) in all the time he's been here, which refuses to meet Points of Blue but wil only discuss what it wants to with invited fans.

Well we are a business and it is all abut making money but as I stated earlier there is no evidence that City voted against the capping of prices and even in my hippy-drippy dreamland that I live in nothing factual says that we did. But to be fair you seem to know a lot about this so what facts do you have that City voted against it.
The amount of people I saw on Twitter mocking the Liverpool walk out was disappointing. It's stuff like that, that all fans need to unite together with otherwise it will become £100 per ticket. Look at the prices yhe NFL get. Don't be niave and think the FA haven't noticed and aren't heading that way.

The dicks who mock people on twitter and social media are the ones who never go to a game,we have a fair few on here who do it about people leaving early etcetera. I was at the game yesterday and it was fucking miserable.Cold,piss wet through and a gutless dogshite performance on the field. At 0-3 down if people fucked off who could blame them? However the majority didn't,it was even remarked upon where I was in the south stand how many were staying and most only started drifting away at about 85+ minutes.Of course if they are watching all cosy in the house the tv probably panned in on a few leaving and they jump on the computer and start whining,try going to a fucking game for once! Rant over,sorry for digressing.

On the ticket prices people have to start realising loyalty swings both ways.If clubs are shafting the match going fans fuck them off! Stop going.So what if some tourist takes your place,will they be there on a shit day like yesterday at Sunderland away? Let the tv pan in on empty seats and away ends.I would even chip in to pay for one fan to go with a banner explaining why.Until football fans make a stand the prices will go up and up.Well done the dippers,you can say what you want about them but at least they will fucking fight injustice.
The dicks who mock people on twitter and social media are the ones who never go to a game,we have a fair few on here who do it about people leaving early etcetera. I was at the game yesterday and it was fucking miserable.Cold,piss wet through and a gutless dogshite performance on the field. At 0-3 down if people fucked off who could blame them? However the majority didn't,it was even remarked upon where I was in the south stand how many were staying and most only started drifting away at about 85+ minutes.Of course if they are watching all cosy in the house the tv probably panned in on a few leaving and they jump on the computer and start whining,try going to a fucking game for once! Rant over,sorry for digressing.

On the ticket prices people have to start realising loyalty swings both ways.If clubs are shafting the match going fans fuck them off! Stop going.So what if some tourist takes your place,will they be there on a shit day like yesterday at Sunderland away? Let the tv pan in on empty seats and away ends.I would even chip in to pay for one fan to go with a banner explaining why.Until football fans make a stand the prices will go up and up.Well done the dippers,you can say what you want about them but at least they will fucking fight injustice.

What fans should do first and foremost is stop paying £50 for this platinum bullshit. It doesn't benefit anyone bar those at the top of the points chain and that is being diluted with the tickets disappearing here there and everywhere before they get to the fans. I would love to know how many people waste their money on this.

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