Is our scouting system falling apart?

should of kept hold of carr to hes a great scout and doing a fantastic job barcodes
Very interesting for me is this having spent the best part of 18 months trooping around a number of clubs with my son who was goalkeeper in demand from the age of 7...!!
Scouts from Liverpool, Everton, Blackburn, Burnley, United and City all recruited him for trials. Interstingly none of the lower league clubs even bothered asking after the initial approach becuase all the 'big boys' were already in there so to speak. Bolton came into that category which I thought was very poor and to quote the scout on being introduced " Yeh, we know about Josh, but we've no chance have we?" well he did have a chance, daft sod....!!

My lad first went to Liverpool where after 3 sessions they were wanting us to travel over to Merseyside 3 times per week as they had no satelite training complex closer) where we were to start at 5pm on a weekday and then play anywhere in the north of England at weekend. We would feed him on the way straight from school during the week and not get home till 8pm at times. Remember he's 7 years old.
Most conversations were had over the phone with club representatives but the upshot was that Liverpool wanted him to sign as they rated him highly and even spend £800 on him supplying kit etc, I would alo be paid travel expenses.
It was too far to travel so off we went to Everton which was easier to get to. In essence the same thing happened without the pressure to sign as United then came calling and as it was near home off we went.
Now, it pains me to say this but my lad really enjoyed it there, it was well run and he was well coached and they started to integrate him into Carrington and playing against other clubs in mini tournaments after a few months. He stayed around 5 or 6 months.
City then came calling and like a shot off we went to Platt Lane.
After 6 weeks of no goalkeeper coaching my lad decided he'd had enough and did'nt want to go anymore, in fact the experience was so bad for him he stopped playing football for 10 months. I don't quite know what it was that disturbed him but everywhere else he loved the traing and coaching, City managed to knock the love of football, in particular goalkeeper coaching sessions out of him..?!
It was explained to me that it was City's way of assessing the goalkeepers on the induction phase to just drill them with the outfield players and then give them some time in nets at the end of the session during a game. Now he's not a bad outfield player as well but he wanted goalkeeper coaching.
All the other clubs he attended provided excellent coaching from the off, and so were we as we did'nt go again. City rang once asking for him to help out in a game against Coventry as one of their keepers was ill. He went along, still hated it there and hung up his boots again.
In December 2011 he started playing again and quickly made an impact in the team winning a number of MOTM awards for his displays.
He is without question a very naturally talented keeper with great promise. United contaced me a few weeks ago inviting him back for trials as they got wind of him playing again .
Over the last 6 or 7 months I have seen very few scouts out and about where as 2 years ago you couldn't move for them....?!
It's a shame Mr Fallows is off as he has masses of experience and I just wonder having overheard a conversation at United last week how true this is...
A young United and City played each other recently, United fielded a team with 6 home grown players. City had one home grown player on the pitch, the rest...? bought in.........!!
Whats happended to our great accademy?

United expected my lad, after leaving them, to have remained at City as they rated him so highly. On finding him 'clubless' last month, having left City 18 months ago, they have offered him a second chance which he has jumped at.

Now I'm sure the other clubs previously interested in him will blame his lack of committment to them, but have any, other than United had another look and realised he's back? well nope, from the day he left City I heard nowt, not even an approach from any of the scouts we know.
I think change happend on a regular basis at accademy's as Liverpool changed many of their staff a numer of times in the weeks we were there. Problem is, new managers and staff do things differently. City have just recently it seems bought a young goalkeeper of 11 or 12 for a 'fee' from another local club.
Has all this money changed our ethos...?
Is that why long serving members of our scouting staff are buggering off as its gone down the pan...?

Again it makes me ill to say it, but he's staying put at United, it will be intersting to see if any other clubs get wind of him being back now...?!
Stretford Born Blue said:
Very interesting for me is this having spent the best part of 18 months trooping around a number of clubs with my son who was goalkeeper in demand from the age of 7...!!
Scouts from Liverpool, Everton, Blackburn, Burnley, United and City all recruited him for trials. Interstingly none of the lower league clubs even bothered asking after the initial approach becuase all the 'big boys' were already in there so to speak. Bolton came into that category which I thought was very poor and to quote the scout on being introduced " Yeh, we know about Josh, but we've no chance have we?" well he did have a chance, daft sod....!!

My lad first went to Liverpool where after 3 sessions they were wanting us to travel over to Merseyside 3 times per week as they had no satelite training complex closer) where we were to start at 5pm on a weekday and then play anywhere in the north of England at weekend. We would feed him on the way straight from school during the week and not get home till 8pm at times. Remember he's 7 years old.
Most conversations were had over the phone with club representatives but the upshot was that Liverpool wanted him to sign as they rated him highly and even spend £800 on him supplying kit etc, I would alo be paid travel expenses.
It was too far to travel so off we went to Everton which was easier to get to. In essence the same thing happened without the pressure to sign as United then came calling and as it was near home off we went.
Now, it pains me to say this but my lad really enjoyed it there, it was well run and he was well coached and they started to integrate him into Carrington and playing against other clubs in mini tournaments after a few months. He stayed around 5 or 6 months.
City then came calling and like a shot off we went to Platt Lane.
After 6 weeks of no goalkeeper coaching my lad decided he'd had enough and did'nt want to go anymore, in fact the experience was so bad for him he stopped playing football for 10 months. I don't quite know what it was that disturbed him but everywhere else he loved the traing and coaching, City managed to knock the love of football, in particular goalkeeper coaching sessions out of him..?!
It was explained to me that it was City's way of assessing the goalkeepers on the induction phase to just drill them with the outfield players and then give them some time in nets at the end of the session during a game. Now he's not a bad outfield player as well but he wanted goalkeeper coaching.
All the other clubs he attended provided excellent coaching from the off, and so were we as we did'nt go again. City rang once asking for him to help out in a game against Coventry as one of their keepers was ill. He went along, still hated it there and hung up his boots again.
In December 2011 he started playing again and quickly made an impact in the team winning a number of MOTM awards for his displays.
He is without question a very naturally talented keeper with great promise. United contaced me a few weeks ago inviting him back for trials as they got wind of him playing again .
Over the last 6 or 7 months I have seen very few scouts out and about where as 2 years ago you couldn't move for them....?!
It's a shame Mr Fallows is off as he has masses of experience and I just wonder having overheard a conversation at United last week how true this is...
A young United and City played each other recently, United fielded a team with 6 home grown players. City had one home grown player on the pitch, the rest...? bought in.........!!
Whats happended to our great accademy?

United expected my lad, after leaving them, to have remained at City as they rated him so highly. On finding him 'clubless' last month, having left City 18 months ago, they have offered him a second chance which he has jumped at.

Now I'm sure the other clubs previously interested in him will blame his lack of committment to them, but have any, other than United had another look and realised he's back? well nope, from the day he left City I heard nowt, not even an approach from any of the scouts we know.
I think change happend on a regular basis at accademy's as Liverpool changed many of their staff a numer of times in the weeks we were there. Problem is, new managers and staff do things differently. City have just recently it seems bought a young goalkeeper of 11 or 12 for a 'fee' from another local club.
Has all this money changed our ethos...?
Is that why long serving members of our scouting staff are buggering off as its gone down the pan...?

Again it makes me ill to say it, but he's staying put at United, it will be intersting to see if any other clubs get wind of him being back now...?!
Sod it mate, get him to stay at United if they're offering the best coaching. That's what's needed at that age.
Blue Smarties said:
Stretford Born Blue said:
Very interesting for me is this having spent the best part of 18 months trooping around a number of clubs with my son who was goalkeeper in demand from the age of 7...!!
Scouts from Liverpool, Everton, Blackburn, Burnley, United and City all recruited him for trials. Interstingly none of the lower league clubs even bothered asking after the initial approach becuase all the 'big boys' were already in there so to speak. Bolton came into that category which I thought was very poor and to quote the scout on being introduced " Yeh, we know about Josh, but we've no chance have we?" well he did have a chance, daft sod....!!

My lad first went to Liverpool where after 3 sessions they were wanting us to travel over to Merseyside 3 times per week as they had no satelite training complex closer) where we were to start at 5pm on a weekday and then play anywhere in the north of England at weekend. We would feed him on the way straight from school during the week and not get home till 8pm at times. Remember he's 7 years old.
Most conversations were had over the phone with club representatives but the upshot was that Liverpool wanted him to sign as they rated him highly and even spend £800 on him supplying kit etc, I would alo be paid travel expenses.
It was too far to travel so off we went to Everton which was easier to get to. In essence the same thing happened without the pressure to sign as United then came calling and as it was near home off we went.
Now, it pains me to say this but my lad really enjoyed it there, it was well run and he was well coached and they started to integrate him into Carrington and playing against other clubs in mini tournaments after a few months. He stayed around 5 or 6 months.
City then came calling and like a shot off we went to Platt Lane.
After 6 weeks of no goalkeeper coaching my lad decided he'd had enough and did'nt want to go anymore, in fact the experience was so bad for him he stopped playing football for 10 months. I don't quite know what it was that disturbed him but everywhere else he loved the traing and coaching, City managed to knock the love of football, in particular goalkeeper coaching sessions out of him..?!
It was explained to me that it was City's way of assessing the goalkeepers on the induction phase to just drill them with the outfield players and then give them some time in nets at the end of the session during a game. Now he's not a bad outfield player as well but he wanted goalkeeper coaching.
All the other clubs he attended provided excellent coaching from the off, and so were we as we did'nt go again. City rang once asking for him to help out in a game against Coventry as one of their keepers was ill. He went along, still hated it there and hung up his boots again.
In December 2011 he started playing again and quickly made an impact in the team winning a number of MOTM awards for his displays.
He is without question a very naturally talented keeper with great promise. United contaced me a few weeks ago inviting him back for trials as they got wind of him playing again .
Over the last 6 or 7 months I have seen very few scouts out and about where as 2 years ago you couldn't move for them....?!
It's a shame Mr Fallows is off as he has masses of experience and I just wonder having overheard a conversation at United last week how true this is...
A young United and City played each other recently, United fielded a team with 6 home grown players. City had one home grown player on the pitch, the rest...? bought in.........!!
Whats happended to our great accademy?

United expected my lad, after leaving them, to have remained at City as they rated him so highly. On finding him 'clubless' last month, having left City 18 months ago, they have offered him a second chance which he has jumped at.

Now I'm sure the other clubs previously interested in him will blame his lack of committment to them, but have any, other than United had another look and realised he's back? well nope, from the day he left City I heard nowt, not even an approach from any of the scouts we know.
I think change happend on a regular basis at accademy's as Liverpool changed many of their staff a numer of times in the weeks we were there. Problem is, new managers and staff do things differently. City have just recently it seems bought a young goalkeeper of 11 or 12 for a 'fee' from another local club.
Has all this money changed our ethos...?
Is that why long serving members of our scouting staff are buggering off as its gone down the pan...?

Again it makes me ill to say it, but he's staying put at United, it will be intersting to see if any other clubs get wind of him being back now...?!
Sod it mate, get him to stay at United if they're offering the best coaching. That's what's needed at that age.

It seems that is the case..............Still, football's football if you know what I mean.?!
Blue Smarties said:
Stretford Born Blue said:
Very interesting for me is this having spent the best part of 18 months trooping around a number of clubs with my son who was goalkeeper in demand from the age of 7...!!
Scouts from Liverpool, Everton, Blackburn, Burnley, United and City all recruited him for trials. Interstingly none of the lower league clubs even bothered asking after the initial approach becuase all the 'big boys' were already in there so to speak. Bolton came into that category which I thought was very poor and to quote the scout on being introduced " Yeh, we know about Josh, but we've no chance have we?" well he did have a chance, daft sod....!!

My lad first went to Liverpool where after 3 sessions they were wanting us to travel over to Merseyside 3 times per week as they had no satelite training complex closer) where we were to start at 5pm on a weekday and then play anywhere in the north of England at weekend. We would feed him on the way straight from school during the week and not get home till 8pm at times. Remember he's 7 years old.
Most conversations were had over the phone with club representatives but the upshot was that Liverpool wanted him to sign as they rated him highly and even spend £800 on him supplying kit etc, I would alo be paid travel expenses.
It was too far to travel so off we went to Everton which was easier to get to. In essence the same thing happened without the pressure to sign as United then came calling and as it was near home off we went.
Now, it pains me to say this but my lad really enjoyed it there, it was well run and he was well coached and they started to integrate him into Carrington and playing against other clubs in mini tournaments after a few months. He stayed around 5 or 6 months.
City then came calling and like a shot off we went to Platt Lane.
After 6 weeks of no goalkeeper coaching my lad decided he'd had enough and did'nt want to go anymore, in fact the experience was so bad for him he stopped playing football for 10 months. I don't quite know what it was that disturbed him but everywhere else he loved the traing and coaching, City managed to knock the love of football, in particular goalkeeper coaching sessions out of him..?!
It was explained to me that it was City's way of assessing the goalkeepers on the induction phase to just drill them with the outfield players and then give them some time in nets at the end of the session during a game. Now he's not a bad outfield player as well but he wanted goalkeeper coaching.
All the other clubs he attended provided excellent coaching from the off, and so were we as we did'nt go again. City rang once asking for him to help out in a game against Coventry as one of their keepers was ill. He went along, still hated it there and hung up his boots again.
In December 2011 he started playing again and quickly made an impact in the team winning a number of MOTM awards for his displays.
He is without question a very naturally talented keeper with great promise. United contaced me a few weeks ago inviting him back for trials as they got wind of him playing again .
Over the last 6 or 7 months I have seen very few scouts out and about where as 2 years ago you couldn't move for them....?!
It's a shame Mr Fallows is off as he has masses of experience and I just wonder having overheard a conversation at United last week how true this is...
A young United and City played each other recently, United fielded a team with 6 home grown players. City had one home grown player on the pitch, the rest...? bought in.........!!
Whats happended to our great accademy?

United expected my lad, after leaving them, to have remained at City as they rated him so highly. On finding him 'clubless' last month, having left City 18 months ago, they have offered him a second chance which he has jumped at.

Now I'm sure the other clubs previously interested in him will blame his lack of committment to them, but have any, other than United had another look and realised he's back? well nope, from the day he left City I heard nowt, not even an approach from any of the scouts we know.
I think change happend on a regular basis at accademy's as Liverpool changed many of their staff a numer of times in the weeks we were there. Problem is, new managers and staff do things differently. City have just recently it seems bought a young goalkeeper of 11 or 12 for a 'fee' from another local club.
Has all this money changed our ethos...?
Is that why long serving members of our scouting staff are buggering off as its gone down the pan...?

Again it makes me ill to say it, but he's staying put at United, it will be intersting to see if any other clubs get wind of him being back now...?!
Sod it mate, get him to stay at United if they're offering the best coaching. That's what's needed at that age.

Defiantly, if your kids got a chance take it, fuck the colours its your kid.
BringBackSwales said:
grim up north said:
Challenger1978 said:
PMSL so he wants all the scouts to play Football manager then.

Take the piss all you like

Our player acquisition dept take it seriously. They produce in depth dossiers on every player they purchase or want to, on every aspect of their lives. According to Marwood the last youth player who came to City his was over 45 pages

the point I am making is that if all he can say in his article is that he wants a big fuck off database sorting out by the end of his first year then he may well not be the world's best scouting director. If you look at the players City have brought in over the last 2 or 3 years I cannot think of many (any?) who have come in as relative unknowns uncovered by Mike Rigg - Yaya? David? Mario? Edin? Sergio? They were all well known before we signed them, so frankly I struggle to see who Rigg brought in for us? (but I will grant you this, he has a fucking massive database)

You really are a tad naive

So all the kids we are signing are just coming here on a whim. Is not just about the 1st team
Spotting young talent is never easy.

The are lots of Wunderkind who never made it but were shopping in Harrod's now not Aldi.
If the coaches are shite and our scouting network is shite then why are we bothering to build the new academy etc? Surely we must have plans in place for better coaches and training? Good luck to you and your lad though, hope it works out for him.
Stretford Born Blue said:
A young United and City played each other recently, United fielded a team with 6 home grown players. City had one home grown player on the pitch, the rest...? bought in.........!!

What level was this at? We have tons of homegrown at almost every level and it's hard to see like the under-9s team full of kids from Brazil and London.

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