Is the league cup enough for you?

Cheesy said:
QuickSilva said:
if the club win any silverware i am satisfied. there are so few important pieces available you cannot honestly expect to have a double or treble

pelelgrini hasn't even been here 12 months, combined with a multitude of injuries to important players has hurt us badly.

Our Chief Exec won't be satisfied with the League Cup...

Ferran Soriano said:
I want one trophy or title a year. That is the Champions League, the Premier League or the FA Cup.
I think he's right to say those three. They are the three major trophies. The FL Cup was a great day out and was good to win but it isn't as important as the other three. I think Soriano will feel if we ever win the FL Cup we should double that with one of the major end of season trophies too (or more! :D)

I don't disagree with him.
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Another stupendous read, my oh my, you lot wouldn't of lasted 5 minutes in Nam..... Tut tut tut

A lot of custard pies have been rubbed in a lot of faces by our players, our management and our senior executives.

They know who they are, and I suspect more than a few lessons have been quietly learned.

But shhhhhh. Don't mention the war ;-)
Didsbury Dave said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
Another stupendous read, my oh my, you lot wouldn't of lasted 5 minutes in Nam..... Tut tut tut

A lot of custard pies have been rubbed in a lot of faces by our players, our management and our senior executives.

They know who they are, and I suspect more than a few lessons have been quietly learned.

But shhhhhh. Don't mention the war ;-)

I suspected this DD, many of the staunch MP supporters would still be getting it in the neck if we'd blown it, on the flip side, the euphoria of winning seems to of swept a lot of the proverbial shit under the carpet...... Anyway, rainy day and all that (:
I would of been happy with just the league cup. Someone posted that if this team won the just league cup in 2 years it isn't good enough, I suppose that's a fair comment. I'm not fussy, as long as we win silverware then I'm happy.
KippaxCitizen said:
The FL Cup was a great day out and was good to win but it isn't as important as the other three
I think the FA Cup vs League Cup comparison is a funny one. Obviously the former has more prestige than the latter, but is it better? For me, the League Cup is harder to win - all the teams in it are professional; top-flight clubs have to play the same amount of games (6) to win it,; the semi-final is two-legged so less chance of a 'one-off' result seeing a team get through to the final; and you have to play the games mid-week (FA Cup replaces a league fixture).

I also think the final of the League Cup is a much better occasion; more fans, less corporate allocation.

To me it's like the World Cup vs Euro Championship (before Platini ruined that, anyway) - WC has more prestige, but EC had much better quality throughout and is tough from the off.

Being a fan is really about the days out and the occasions; nothing better than seeing your team lift a trophy at Wembley.
Champions2012! said:
I guess was too hasty in making this
Don't worry too much about it. A lot of us (yes; guilty as charged) had our negative moments during the season. I'm delighted to have been made to look like a ****.
Would we still have had the bus out if we had only won the league cup ? . Liverpool were delighted to win the league cup 2 years ago . This year they have won nothing .

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