Is there a red shirt cartel or are we just deluded?

I don't think it's necessarily a "red shirt cartel", but there is a clear bias here, and I think it is right for our club to fight it.
There was a meeting a while back in New York between the red shirted ones to see what could be done about City. They vetted Richard Masters for the top job at the Premier League. They wrote a letter about City on Arsenal letterhead paper complaining and wanting something done about us. Yes there is a cartel.
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There is 100% a USA centric cartel, or conspiracy of self interest. And Martin Samuel aside, they have bought off or intimidated the entire UK media.
Although it is and will be a temporary and transient cartel. At present the cartel members are all together in wanting/needing to derail City. They can see how well run we are compared to them, how successful we are on the pitch, and they hate it. They know that by working together with the media, and bullying a weak and incompetent PL, they can undermine us. The funny thing is that if they ever succeeded in getting us relegated for example, they would all turn on each other within 6 months, as each would see themselves as the rightful dominant force in the game. Historical entitlement.
It is a dog eat dog environment and if you can’t win fair and square, just band together and change the rules.
Graham Souness spoke about the top clubs being pissed off at City on that Irish programme years ago .
Maybe not a cartel as such, but there is no doubting the red shirts get favourable treatment from the officials, and they are 100% treated with kid gloves by our media. But 'cartel' sounds too ominous, too Martin-Scorsese.
The examples of extreme bias in favour of the dipper and the rags has been evident since I was a kid during the Cretaceous period. Any 50/50 decisions seemed to always go in their favour, and referees seemed to show a lot more leniency with their constant fouls and general rule-breaking.

Most of us of a certain age will have memories of that horrific Leeds side of the early 70's. Their games were not about football they were about open brutality, bone-crushing tackles and sly punches, etc. But I also remember the rags weren't too far behind with their own particular brand of MMA pub football. That çunt Crerand and one or two others had a fondness for kicking fuck out of the opposition, but of course there was no retribution from the officials,
even if they'd broken an opponent's legs the referees would have favoured the 'didn't-see-it' approach for fear of upsetting the vermin.

Nothing's changed.
Undoubtedly. David Gill was at the heart UEFA FFP rules designed to halt our progress, Rick Parry part of the investigatory chamber that decided our fate in the UEFA case. Khaldoon has mentioned a clear and orchestrated attack on our club which I believe these clubs to be at the heart of the issue with UEFA and the PL charges.

You can also look at the ‘tweaks’ to the UEFA coefficients which boosted both PL red shirt clubs due to ‘history’ whilst simultaneously lower our UEFA ranking.
Been having an "interesting" discussion with some scouser who says that there is no such thing as a red cartel and we are just using that as an excuse for the 115 charges and acting as a deluded fan base.

Now who on here believes there is a red shirt cartel and who doesn't?
Tell him to go back to 1992 and the creation of the premier league itself.
man united, liverpool, arsenal, spurs & Everton with the influence of the Sky TV package all led the pack. If you want names of the chairmen at the time:
Martin Edwards - united
Noel White - liverpool
David Dean - arsenal
Alan Surgar - spurs
Philip Carter - Everton
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I think everybody understands that “cartel” is a figure of speech, useful shorthand. They are not the Sinoloa Cartel or the Tijuana cartel (who are, incidentally, now using drones to assassinate their enemies and mayors in Mexican cities and towns).

What there certainly is is an establishment of clubs who had been dominant for decades, and who most definitely did not want anyone to join their ranks, still less to become a dominant member of those ranks.
They are outraged by City, but they would have been outraged by Newcastle, Burnley, Crystal Palace or anyone else who aligned several years of being champions to their exclusion. It so happens that three members of that establishment wear red shirts when they're out on the pitch.
The colour of their shirts is a coincidence, the teams involved isn’t .. City’s achievements are magnified tenfold for me having to contend with these cunts trying to hamstring us every step of the way…

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