Is there a red shirt cartel or are we just deluded?

I don’t see it as a cartel as such, as they compete with each other, but certain things bring them to act in common. The runaway success of City being the big one, fear of others such as Newcastle following City terrifies them, and so they manipulate the structure of the game to protect their “historical” privilege and stop “interlopers” spoiling their party. Growing US ownership wants to de-risk their investment and protect their profit stream going forward. Liverpool’s owner wanting games played in the USA is a shockingly awful vision, but he largely got a free pass in the media. Imagine the shitstorm if the Sheikh ever made a similar suggestion.

Because of the sheer size of their current fan base (given the media business model in the click bait age) media and sports journalists unite around them to blow smoke up their collective arses and yet attack City without mercy at every opportunity.

It’s a perfect storm. But no storms last forever.
So pleased City are at last challenging them legally.
Been having an "interesting" discussion with some scouser who says that there is no such thing as a red cartel and we are just using that as an excuse for the 115 charges and acting as a deluded fan base.

Now who on here believes there is a red shirt cartel and who doesn't?
Just on Liverpool and the lack of actions taken or featured (heavily) in the media:
1. Failing uefa FFP, but it was ok, as they weren’t in Europe that season.
PL - odd that when failing UEFA FFP, in the accounts, that the matching PL ffp rule about failing uefa ffp didn’t come into play…

2. Writing off £54m on a Stanley park stadium that got as far as design, therefore passing ffp. £54m! For design work. The management should have been sacked… if it was legit. PL - no investigation of dubious accounting.

3. Illegal access of City database many times (lets say 115…). £1m compensation paid to City. PL - ‘this is time barred it happened long ago, no action is required’

4. Exclusive Vetting of candidates for the PL. PL rejected by at least 2 candidates due to them saying undue influence. PL - ‘perfectly fine to be vetted by only 2 clubs’

5. Dubious behaviour in buying up houses adjoining where stadium expansion is wanted. Leaving them empty, causing the area to accelerate into a spiral of decay.

Edit: had to stop there as appt
Been having an "interesting" discussion with some scouser who says that there is no such thing as a red cartel and we are just using that as an excuse for the 115 charges and acting as a deluded fan base.

Now who on here believes there is a red shirt cartel and who doesn't?

sniff, sniff, sniff
I don’t see it as a cartel as such, as they compete with each other, but certain things bring them to act in common. The runaway success of City being the big one, fear of others such as Newcastle following City terrifies them, and so they manipulate the structure of the game to protect their “historical” privilege and stop “interlopers” spoiling their party. Growing US ownership wants to de-risk their investment and protect their profit stream going forward. Liverpool’s owner wanting games played in the USA is a shockingly awful vision, but he largely got a free pass in the media. Imagine the shitstorm if the Sheikh ever made a similar suggestion.

Because of the sheer size of their current fan base (given the media business model in the click bait age) media and sports journalists unite around them to blow smoke up their collective arses and yet attack City without mercy at every opportunity.

It’s a perfect storm. But no storms last forever.
So pleased City are at last challenging them legally.

That's a UK perspective, in general the foreign media concentrate on the quality of our football. Plus figures show we are bigger pull in the cash rich USA.
That's a UK perspective, in general the foreign media concentrate on the quality of our football. Plus figures show we are bigger pull in the cash rich USA.
Of course it’s a UK perspective. It’s my perspective. It’s where I live and as far as media goes it’s aimed at the UK media only….oh and the NYTimes !

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