Is WW3 Literally Around The Corner

Is it just me ?.......Or does it seem to be getting a bit tasty all over the World

Learned tonight UK is to send the SAS, Special Forces in to Ukraine in a dangerous potential face off with Putin/Russia

No idea what has caused the new crisis in Belarus. Where immigrants are being weaponized against Poland/EU.

Lukashenko even asking Putin for Nukes.

Putin flew his Nuclear Bombers over Belarus in a show of force

Ukraine slow burner conflict has suddenly took on extra significance.

Black Sea, once seen as off limits, Russia backyard, filling up rapidly with US/NATO Ships.

Russian Diplomats falling from Windows in Berlin etc. has become a thing again.

China, and Taiwan crisis is escalating. The Chinese directly threatening Japan and Australia if they intervene militarily

South China sea also filling up nicely with US/UK and commonwealth Ships.

Then there is Israel/Iran, the Israelis are practicing taking out Iran. As well as getting in to those Nuclear bunkers.

Seems to me like it is now only a matter of when, not if it goes off.

2022 right now looks like it is going to be another bad year :-(
This is the reason we have nuclear weapons.

Instead of actually going to war we all posture and push boundaries with the knowledge that, really, nothing major is going to happen.
We should probably worry more about the people already in this country who wish to do us harm than the Russians
There’s a lot worse out there than the Russians.

Although to be fair they nearly poisoned the whole of Sailsbury to death.
Open a nice bottle of red and have a Spliff for fucks sake!
Fuck knows why people spend their time worrying over shit they have no control over.
Life doesn’t have to be one long walk into the abyss, it can be quite fun as well,
red? ,Phil want the .......... , two spliffs and good root , an ice cold beer or for the rechabites like me a good ginger ale afterwards and life is good again.

I might take up wine again if its coloured mancity blue.
Open a nice bottle of red and have a Spliff for fucks sake!
Fuck knows why people spend their time worrying over shit they have no control over.
Life doesn’t have to be one long walk into the abyss, it can be quite fun as well,
Don’t go in the Politics Forum, you’d be posting that on every page!

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