
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

johnmc said:
salfordpaul said:
johnmc said:
Tone of Salford Pauls psts and tweets suggest he isn't as confident.

take your meds son! bed TIME!

Your last tweet says "if Isco goes to Madrid then fine". That's all I'm saying. That doesn't sound as confident as your earlier stuff. I'm obviously wrong.

think im getting exasperated with city fans, who think we are all the lot! personally if we didn t sign isco we will still be ok! we need a striker at the mo more than anything and thats my headache-certainly not a 21 yr old kid with obvious talent but not what we need-personal opinion here!
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

ayrshire_blue said:
Pam said:
ayrshire_blue said:
From information he got from City on Friday, or so he says.

And since then. the club has proclaimed itself "still optimistic". If Sky sources are to be believed.

I know. I'm only passing on what Ladyman tweeted 5 minutes ago. Not been many "updates" by British journos all day, thought I'd pass it on...

But he wouldn't wait a day and a half to tweet that, if it were true. Because at the time City were 1/6 on to sign him and he would have scooped all yesterday's Spanish media.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

salfordpaul said:
johnmc said:
salfordpaul said:
take your meds son! bed TIME!

Your last tweet says "if Isco goes to Madrid then fine". That's all I'm saying. That doesn't sound as confident as your earlier stuff. I'm obviously wrong.

think im getting exasperated with city fans, who think we are all the lot! personally if we didn t sign isco we will still be ok! we need a striker at the mo more than anything and thats my headache-certainly not a 21 yr old kid with obvious talent but not what we need-personal opinion here!

Completely agree with that. A striker should be top priority and if it wasn't for Pellegrini's relationship with Isco it might well be.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

johnmc said:
Ducado said:
Cobwebcat said:
I swear there are some blues who would rather be right than have Isco here. Crazy day.

Your not wrong, such is life as they say in France

I'd love Isco here and ill be gutted if he doesn't. I was just reading things differently than they were meant. Sorry.

Not aimed at you John.

Neil McNab however.......!
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

Right I'm goin to jump on Xbox for awhile before work, thank you to everyone on this thread for making it so funny, its passed the time while the Mrs watched tv, lol. Have a lovely evening guys and gals who are going to keep going!! Roll on the end of this saga whether he comes to City or not!

Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

salfordpaul said:
think im getting exasperated with city fans, who think we are all the lot! personally if we didn t sign isco we will still be ok! we need a striker at the mo more than anything and thats my headache-certainly not a 21 yr old kid with obvious talent but not what we need-personal opinion here!

Don't get exasperated with me mate!! ;)

I'm sure we will be fine with or without Isco.
Re: Isco (Part 8 (weekend saga part 3))

kawkav said:
this thread helped me to do nothing in my 12 hr shift at work. have some heavy explaining to do, comes tomorrow.
IF this transfer saga is not good enough excuse, i dont know what is.

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