
The fact that RM have been saying for days that he will sign for them, but obviously nothing official in place. Id say it was still 50/50 or it would have been done. He will be an integral part of our team and an also ran on the bench at Madrid. He will be confident in his own ability, but will not get the chance to shine at Madrid. City would be best for him hope he can see that.
allan harper said:
How old is his son? Could be Kfa unless his dad has some weird bedtime stories to tell him.

If he was born out of wedlock, would it make him a cheeky bastard?
Pigeonho said:
Groucho said:
Not wanting to get hammered passing on information (and not wanting to troll through 78 pages on the Isco thread) but....

Txixi Belgiristain and his son were being shown round my sons school as he's going there (St Bedes).. and his son seemed confident that the Isco transfer was a done deal.

He also mentioned a full back playing in Portugal, Jefferson and Pepe as transfer targets. (although Txixi wasn't as happy with the Pepe apparently!)

Again.. don't shoot the messenger.
Fair do's on getting your lad in that school. My mate went there and traveled from Moston to Hulme and back for the privilege. He's done really well for himself.

We stayed local like scumbags. :-)

Nice one for the info.

I imagine Txiki's son is called Barry. Barry Berigistain.

I think this is classified information, he'll need a bodyguard now!
unexpected item said:
allan harper said:
How old is his son? Could be Kfa unless his dad has some weird bedtime stories to tell him.

If he was born out of wedlock, would it make him a cheeky bastard?

That's fucking made me howl in laughter, fucking quality!
allan harper said:
How old is his son? Could be Kfa unless his dad has some weird bedtime stories to tell him.

17. So old enough to know what's going on I would have thought... unless he just loves a wind up! lol

My son is in the 6 form there, and he's going in the year below. Although the same age as my lad, going in the year below probably because of language etc.

He was telling my son's mate, who is Spanish and had been asked to act as a translator showing them round.

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