Islam v Christianity-what it boils down to

I'd go to R.E and my teacher would tell me god loves me,

then i'd got to physics and my teacher there would tell me it's bollocks lol.
Skashion said:
Teaching about religion in schools is valuable and denying kids knowledge of something that still impacts the world as much as it does is giving them a less than holistic education to put it mildly. As long as it is taught in a neutral fashion it should be done. Faith schools though should face the choice of going secular and losing their exclusionary elements or going solo without taxpayer-financed support. But, yes, it will be possible to object, but you shouldn't.

Whilst I agree that it is indeed an important subject, it shouldn't be taught as a subject alone much in the same way that Politics shouldn't be taught as a subject alone. Purely because impressionable children are at the mercy of someone who would have a view on these things and would likely tend to project those views on the children.

I would much rather those issues were touched upon in a History class (History being a great gateway subject).
LongsightM13 said:
Forced conversion to Islam increasingly common in Britain's prisons, where 'The Muslim Boys' are now one of the major gangs.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 57153.html</a>
Does that mean the old fiveskin has to come off?
nashark said:
Whilst I agree that it is indeed an important subject, it shouldn't be taught as a subject alone much in the same way that Politics shouldn't be taught as a subject alone. Purely because impressionable children are at the mercy of someone who would have a view on these things and would likely tend to project those views on the children.

I would much rather those issues were touched upon in a History class (History being a great gateway subject).
You can't expect teachers to be specialists at higher levels in multiple subjects. Year 7 and 8, maybe even 9 at push (although GCSEs start at Year 9 quite often now with AS subjects for higher ability pupils in Year 10 and 11 as well). If you have History teachers teaching their non-specialist subject inevitably standards will be lower, an OFSTED bollocking will follow and History teachers will be forced to specialise in a subject other than their degree. Might as well employ specialists or don't bother to teach it. That's the choice facing education in my opinion. A narrower focused education or a holistic one with the same amount of teachers but more specialism.

As for historians being more impartial. Well, they've Niall Ferguson devising the new History curriculum which the tories have ordered to have a 'British narrative' - in other words, make us the good guys. No problem for Niall that one.
Skashion said:
nashark said:
Whilst I agree that it is indeed an important subject, it shouldn't be taught as a subject alone much in the same way that Politics shouldn't be taught as a subject alone. Purely because impressionable children are at the mercy of someone who would have a view on these things and would likely tend to project those views on the children.

I would much rather those issues were touched upon in a History class (History being a great gateway subject).
You can't expect teachers to be specialists at higher levels in multiple subjects. Year 7 and 8, maybe even 9 at push (although GCSEs start at Year 9 quite often now with AS subjects for higher ability pupils in Year 10 and 11 as well). If you have History teachers teaching their non-specialist subject inevitably standards will be lower, an OFSTED bollocking will follow and History teachers will be forced to specialise in a subject other than their degree. Might as well employ specialists or don't bother to teach it. That's the choice facing education in my opinion. A narrower focused education or a holistic one with the same amount of teachers but more specialism.

As for historians being more impartial. Well, they've Niall Ferguson devising the new History curriculum which the tories have ordered to have a 'British narrative' - in other words, make us the good guys. No problem for Niall that one.

Christ on a stick. The "British narrative" is not designed to make us look good but to re-address the balance a wee bit. The history being taught in schools for the last 25 years has deviated away from actual History as we know it and into things like "the history of textiles". A "British Narrative" will take the teaching of history slightly back to what it should be with things like the war of the roses, 1066, Alfred etc etc.
A few hundered year back Christianity enslaved the masses through the fear of being delivered into the pit and bowels of smouldering hell, Islam just enslaved you if you were caught or captured, not much option their then?most religions are based on fear, not a good advertisment?
LongsightM13 said:
Forced conversion to Islam increasingly common in Britain's prisons, where 'The Muslim Boys' are now one of the major gangs.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 57153.html</a>

Misleading article just more fear mongering first you say "forced conversion" then the first thing the article says is Muslim prison gangs are trying to force other inmates to sign up to Islamic radicalism, prison officers said.

You are also using the worst people of a particular religion to use as your example (proved by the fact they are in jail). I could pick individuals in jail who are neither muslim/christian/jewish but who are TRYING (as the article states) to force people to do something.

Since Islam is about submission to God by oneself you cannot force a conversion but that little fact will obviously be left out of articles designed to create a climate of fear.
didactic said:
LongsightM13 said:
Forced conversion to Islam increasingly common in Britain's prisons, where 'The Muslim Boys' are now one of the major gangs.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 57153.html</a>

Misleading article just more fear mongering first you say "forced conversion" then the first thing the article says is Muslim prison gangs are trying to force other inmates to sign up to Islamic radicalism, prison officers said.

You are also using the worst people of a particular religion to use as your example (proved by the fact they are in jail). I could pick individuals in jail who are neither muslim/christian/jewish but who are TRYING (as the article states) to force people to do something.

Since Islam is about submission to God by oneself you cannot force a conversion but that little fact will obviously be left out of articles designed to create a climate of fear.

utter rubbish!!
forced conversion starts with parents of all religions who tell their impressionable kids, by being force fed a particular faith from birth giving them little chance of deciding from themselves.
some will realise as they get older and choose themselves.
but many will be indoctrinated.
didactic said:
peoffrey said:
Orthodox vs Reform. I have several Jewish friends and they're very much on the cultured side as opposed to following everything to the word. The laws don't affect us because Jewish people don't look to push their beliefs on others. This isn't the same with Muslims and Christians.

Nor do muslims infact Islam has been around for thousands of years and unlike the "others" they did not burn at the stake nor impale or throw into boiling tar those who refused to convert. There are groups who take things too far but I have many muslim friends who I grew up with and their views are nothing like what is being potrayed in this thread. Just like with Jewish people there are those who want to wipe out anyone who does not believe in what they do but there are others who live fine with others. Lets not just pick on the popular enemy right now.

Isnt Islam the most recent of the 4 big religions? Mohammed being born in the 6th century and reciting the Qur'an around 610? I don't think theres any record of Islam before then....but I`m no expert.
Bellyeye said:
didactic said:
peoffrey said:
Orthodox vs Reform. I have several Jewish friends and they're very much on the cultured side as opposed to following everything to the word. The laws don't affect us because Jewish people don't look to push their beliefs on others. This isn't the same with Muslims and Christians.

Nor do muslims infact Islam has been around for thousands of years and unlike the "others" they did not burn at the stake nor impale or throw into boiling tar those who refused to convert. There are groups who take things too far but I have many muslim friends who I grew up with and their views are nothing like what is being potrayed in this thread. Just like with Jewish people there are those who want to wipe out anyone who does not believe in what they do but there are others who live fine with others. Lets not just pick on the popular enemy right now.

Isnt Islam the most recent of the 4 big religions? Mohammed being born in the 6th century and reciting the Qur'an around 610? I don't think theres any record of Islam before then....but I`m no expert.
Correct, it is currently 1431-1432 in the Islamic calendar.

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