Islamophobia in the Conservative Party

Is the CORRECT answer.

Total mumbo jumbo and anyone who believes in it is an idiot, or deluded fool at best. Idiots will likely take offence at that, for which I apologise, but it doesn't change my view. There is no god. It is a ludicrous concept with no foundation in logic, science nor empirical evidence. Might as well have "faith" in supernatural gigantic turtles.
I'm a flying spaghetti monster man myself.
I'm a flying spaghetti monster man myself.
I'm sure you are, but that's another story.

No, back to this religion marlarky, the entire universe exploding from an infinitesimally small point at the beginning of time, some 13.7 billion years ago, is bonkers enough. We don't need to dream up even more ludicrous concepts.
I'm sure you are, but that's another story.

No, back to this religion marlarky, the entire universe exploding from an infinitesimally small point at the beginning of time, some 13.7 billion years ago, is bonkers enough. We don't need to dream up even more ludicrous concepts.
An attempt by feeble human minds to first explain and then hide from the crazy set of circumstances that led to our existence. None of us like thinking that we're a product of random chance with odds of our existence running at numbers the human mind can't comprehend, it's a nice safety mechanism to think there's a parent figure with a purpose.
An attempt by feeble human minds to first explain and then hide from the crazy set of circumstances that led to our existence. None of us like thinking that we're a product of random chance with odds of our existence running at numbers the human mind can't comprehend, it's a nice safety mechanism to think there's a parent figure with a purpose.
Yes, it's been a useful construct throughout the ages, instilling "the fear of God" to try to preserve order as well as the idea of a great benevolent power watching over us when we are depressed and in need of support.

But it's run its course. It's utter bollocks. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. Even devout religious types know it, though they are so brainwashed they can barely admit it.
An attempt by feeble human minds to first explain and then hide from the crazy set of circumstances that led to our existence. None of us like thinking that we're a product of random chance with odds of our existence running at numbers the human mind can't comprehend, it's a nice safety mechanism to think there's a parent figure with a purpose.
I’m agnostic at the most, but I would say the odds are so great (as you state) that you simply can’t rule anything out; certainly the feeble human mind can’t.
I’m agnostic at the most, but I would say the odds are so great (as you state) that you simply can’t rule anything out; certainly the feeble human mind can’t.
I can't explain the beginning of the universe, I don't see anything in religion that does (who made God?). I believe in random chance and in a universe as large as ours the odds are cut drastically. The reason we're having this conversation is because of all the planets in our universe ours is one that supported life and we happened. A once in a trillion chance is a certainty after the fact.
I can't explain the beginning of the universe, I don't see anything in religion that does (who made God?). I believe in random chance and in a universe as large as ours the odds are cut drastically. The reason we're having this conversation is because of all the planets in our universe ours is one that supported life and we happened. A once in a trillion chance is a certainty after the fact.
It’s not just about life though, is it? It’s also about the order and structure of the universe that enables planets to form and circle stars etc.. Life is merely a function of the miracle of existence.

For the avoidance of doubt, I believe religion offers no solution to this conundrum. It is a man-made construct with the primary purpose of effectuating social control. It adds nothing to the debate, one way or the other, but to discount out of hand the possibility of other forces at work imputes a degree of understanding into the human mind which you were happy to dismiss in your previous post. We simply cannot know.
It’s not just about life though, is it? It’s also about the order and structure of the universe that enables planets to form and circle stars etc.. Life is merely a function of the miracle of existence.
What made God = What made the laws of Physics and Chemistry (all other scientific schools are simply a byproduct).
Maybe we'll reach a day where that can be explained, I'd love to see it.
For the avoidance of doubt, I believe religion offers no solution to this conundrum. It is a man-made construct with the primary purpose of effectuating social control. It adds nothing to the debate, one way or the other, but to discount out of hand the possibility of other forces at work imputes a degree of understanding into the human mind which you were happy to dismiss in your previous post. We simply cannot know.
Scientific approach. I'll believe it when I see it. I believe that's the definition of Agnosticism :)

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