Israel-Palestine Conflict

Oh look, another koran washer !

Plenty of passages in there, they are still quoted, still used, and you know it !

I probably know every single one of them, and I've summarized it for you. I guess you'll read the Bible and conclude it is a Jew hating book.
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
For some of the Jews killed the prophets, and some even killed the Lord Jesus. Now they have persecuted us, too. They fail to please God and work against all humanity, as they try to keep us from preaching the Good News of salvation to the Gentiles. By doing this, they continue to pile up their sins. But the anger of God has caught up with them at last.
Is all this not for the religion thread?

All made up bollocks to control people by inventing an invisible entity for gaining power over the uneducated, ban the fucking lot if it, every religion. I can’t believe in this day and age especially in the so called educated First World people swallow this horeshit.

This thread is hard enough without passages of the fucking so called holy books being used to justify arguments and opinions.
I'd guess it's because 'decent nations' have suffered thousands of deaths and injuries after Islamist terrorist acts on 9/11, 7/7 and the Arena bombing.

Of course you can't wipe out an ideology but you can wipe out the infrastructure that supports the ideology.

Hamas have cynically hidden behind the people they're supposed to be representing and their hope is that the more of those innocents die, the better it will be for them, as the more the pressure will grow for a ceasefire that protects them. If they really cared about Gaza, they'd negotiate to give up their weapons and leave the area, allowing someone who does care more about the poor innocents to come to a political solution that stops the slaughter.

This is an interesting article (from an Israeli publication), about the way that the IDF chooses targets. It makes it quite clear that it's not as simple as Hamas hiding behind civilians, and that the Israeli military is deliberately killing a lot more civilians in this round of fighting than in previous years.
I probably know every single one of them, and I've summarized it for you. I guess you'll read the Bible and conclude it is a Jew hating book.
1 Thessalonians 2:15-16
For some of the Jews killed the prophets, and some even killed the Lord Jesus. Now they have persecuted us, too. They fail to please God and work against all humanity, as they try to keep us from preaching the Good News of salvation to the Gentiles. By doing this, they continue to pile up their sins. But the anger of God has caught up with them at last.
You need to try harder, especially with your compatriots, who seem to see it all different to you. Unless of course they are trying to wash it for the hard of thinking, and gullible ! ;-o
This thread is hard enough without passages of the fucking so called holy books being used to justify arguments and opinions.
Except people are citing one verse of the Qur'an as evidence of Islam wanting genocide of the Jews, while the Hebrew scriptures have their own prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem because of the Jews' disobedience. Religious texts are being used to justify what's happening. Try this bizarre appeal to Christians, citing Zechariah whose prophecy about the coming Messiah (straight after the bit about Gaza) will be central to most Christians' recognition that Jesus is the Jews' messiah (the king arriving in Jerusalem on a donkey).

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Except people are citing one verse of the Qur'an as evidence of Islam wanting genocide of the Jews, while the Hebrew scriptures have their own prophecies about the destruction of Jerusalem because of the Jews' disobedience. Religious texts are being used to justify what's happening. Try this bizarre appeal to Christians, citing the prophet whose prophecy about the coming Messiah (straight after the bit about Gaza) will be central to most Christians' recognition that Jesus is the Jews' messiah.

No idea why you have come back at me with that?

My post was very clear.
No idea why you have come back at me with that?

My post was very clear.
You can ignore posts but how can you ignore the religious texts used to justify the conflict? This is a major Israeli newspaper using an ancient text to justify to Christians the massacre of Muslims and Christians in Gaza. It's a conflict where some people complain that the Palestinians displaced by Jewish immigrants should just have migrated around the world (like the Jews displaced in Roman times) but base the right of Jews to return to the land 1900 years later on a text about what G-d supposedly said 3000 years ago, while their political leader says to remember what happened when (according to the texts) G-d told the Jews to commit genocide against the Amalekites.
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Lots of young Israeli soldiers are dying as well as Palestinian civilians. It’s all very sad, RIP. In the last messages to their families that I’ve read on social media, there’s hardly any mentions of religion and it’s about land and nations. Young lives wasted before having a real chance of a life.
It's desperately sad. But what are they saying about land? We're defending Israel from attacks from another land, or that Gaza is part of Israel? Not that it makes much difference if it's your last message home, but it is part of why they are there. For whose land is it, see above.

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