Israel-Palestine Conflict

In a world of guerilla warfare, where children wear IEDs and are spotters for their masters, there is no “nonchalantly hanging out on a street corner.”

Equating that with “in our country that’s GBH,” is naive nonsense. Uniform or no uniform, everyone is a threat.
That statement is exactly why so many have been killed. ‘Everyone is a threat’ legitimises ‘Everybody is a target’, whether you be male, female, child or baby.
In our country, an adult boxing a young teen is GBH

And this adult here is a uniformed person, an armed person against the armless.

This GBH is not the first, also not the first since 7 October. An adult attacking a child has been going on for decades.

I still remember an innocent young 10 year old girl, already held on ground, was rabbit punched several times. All because the young girl was shouting for freedom.

How about the other dozens of young girls being headshot sniped by IDF over the years, and always always always justified IDF that they happened in the line of fire.

Despicable disgusting decades of act that kill, all because the ‘human shields’ argument.

Don’t want to get overly technical but do you know what GBH stands for? Because there’s no evidence of any in that clip. It’s assault, definitely. Maybe that’s what you were trying to say tbf.
1. So you conclude by that video alone that that child is a definite IED wearer? Hence why he was punched several times?

It is clear that your zealotry has caused you to lose your faculties, or at least your English comprehension. As evidenced by your other posts, this is clearly very personal to you, and is thus clouding your judgment. For that, I forgive you. Putting words in my mouth and twisting what I said is less easily forgiven.

It is a war zone. One doesn’t have the luxury of your armchair liberalism.

2. Everyone is a threat includes every child is a threat? If you have a child on the streets and an officer conduct that exact same attack in that video, it’s fair-dos to you? You did say ‘everyone’ so that includes your country your rules.

Absolutely, everyone is a threat until proven otherwise.

If I had a child in that war zone, I would hope I’d taught him enough street smarts to not stand around, alone, legs folded, leaning on the corner, as if he was waiting for a bus in Piccadilly!

I’m not sure where your “your country, your rules” comes from, but if it’s my screen name and America you are referring to, that’s silly. If you’re saying Israel and IDF fighting a guerilla war, I’d say you’ve finally stumbled into the truth.

Clearly, you believe Israel is wrong and the Palestinians are somehow right. I’m going to go with Israel and Palestine were operating under a very tense mutual stand off. That was broken on October 7th in a way that was meant to provoke EXACTLY what is happening. Indeed, I believe outside actors have, once again, stepped across the line to increase regional tensions, for reasons I cannot fully know. What I do see, however, is that while it has created rising tensions in this region, it has distracted from tensions in another. All of that is playing out against a backdrop of global elections that are going to affect who are the leaders of half the world’s population.

2024 is a very big year politically, globally. The face of geopolitics could change dramatically. In my own country, the election will definitely have global indications, impacting relations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Does the world want Trump or Biden? Does Israel? Iran? Russia? China? Ukraine? Europe? NATO?

A smacked arse on the street of a war zone? Not exactly earth shattering, but you do you.
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That statement is exactly why so many have been killed. ‘Everyone is a threat’ legitimises ‘Everybody is a target’, whether you be male, female, child or baby.

No. No, it isn’t and doesn’t. But, hyperbole and ridiculous mental leaps are the name of the game, it appears.

A threat is something to be evaluated and considered. A target is something that has already been evaluated, considered and requires acting upon.

If one is smart, in a war zone where threats are seemingly ubiquitous, one does everything one can to de-escalate one’s own level of threat, so one doesn’t become a target.

Choose to act like you are a threat and you make yourself a target. That’s a life lesson even you should have learned by now.
I get the idea about the "fog of war" but I especially like the idea that, after you decide someone may be wearing an IED, you go up and punch him a few times. Or, if you think someone is a spotter for a sniper, for example, you casually walk up to him and then start punching him :) We all know there are some issues around their rules of engagement, but really.

If the soldier was that close to the kid, it's much more likely the soldier wasn't getting the respect he wanted and reacted, in my view. I would imagine it is happening all the time and happens pretty much all the time in all occupied territories, which is why the UN doesn't like them.
I think you meant that as a reply to me.

I was not suggesting the person was actually wearing an IED or a spotter, but that it is the kind of heightened threat that one faces in such areas and that cuffing a kid standing around acting in that manner, which heightens the threat to the soldier, is hardly a war crime!
Muslim nations, when they provide financial aid - and they have been for decades - prefer to not declare spotlight recognition or in emblazoned big signs. That’s because showing off is against the fundamental of Islam which is a term they emphasise as ‘Riya’. Riya means donating (including financial donations) that are pleasing to their God with the intention of seeking admiration from others. Hence which is why Muslim nations are against Riya.

Just an example on an individual Muslim level, who helped Barclays Bank from bankruptcy with nary a word on that individual’s national papers? Word got out that it’s our papers though, but he kept mum about it.

Forgive me, but as an atheist I find all religions to be cults that indoctrinate their believers with ideological nonsense. Accordingly, it has to be laughable to be quoting “fundamentals of Islam” as a positive on a thread about a war that was “initiated” by mass murder of innocents, doesn’t it?

And, to suggest Iran doesn’t fuel terrorism through the use of financial and military aid only serves to magnify the hypocrisy, does it not?
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I think you meant that as a reply to me.

I was not suggesting the person was actually wearing an IED or a spotter, but that it is the kind of heightened threat that one faces in such areas and that cuffing a kid standing around acting in that manner, which heightens the threat to the soldier, is hardly a war crime!

It was just a follow on to the previous comment in all honesty. No argument from me on the effect of heightened tensions. It's clearly a horrible situation for everyone on both sides, no matter who thinks they are in the right.

And I see you bolded for emphasis. What WERE you thinking?
It is clear that your zealotry has caused you to lose your faculties, or at least your English comprehension. As evidenced by your other posts, this is clearly very personal to you, and is thus clouding your judgment. For that, I forgive you. Putting words in my mouth and twisting what I said is less easily forgiven.

It is a war zone. One doesn’t have the luxury of your armchair liberalism.

Absolutely, everyone is a threat until proven otherwise.

If I had a child in that war zone, I would hope I’d taught him enough street smarts to not stand around, alone, legs folded, leaning on the corner, as if he was waiting for a bus in Piccadilly!

I’m not sure where your “your country, your rules” comes from, but if it’s my screen name and America you are referring to, that’s silly. If you’re saying Israel and IDF fighting a guerilla war, I’d say you’ve finally stumbled into the truth.

Clearly, you believe Israel is wrong and the Palestinians are somehow right. I’m going to go with Israel and Palestine were operating under a very tense mutual stand off. That was broken on October 7th in a way that was meant to provoke EXACTLY what is happening. Indeed, I believe outside actors have, once again, stepped across the line to increase regional tensions, for reasons I cannot fully know. What I do see, however, is that while it has created rising tensions in this region, it has distracted from tensions in another. All of that is playing out against a backdrop of global elections that are going to affect who are the leaders of half the world’s population.

2024 is a very big year politically, globally. The face of geopolitics could change dramatically. In my own country, the election will definitely have global indications, impacting relations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

Does the world want Trump or Biden? Does Israel? Iran? Russia? China? Ukraine? Europe? NATO?

A smacked arse on the street of a war zone? Not exactly earth shattering, but you do you.
You know that Hebron isn't in Gaza?
It was just a follow on to the previous comment in all honesty. No argument from me on the effect of heightened tensions. It's clearly a horrible situation for everyone on both sides, no matter who thinks they are in the right.

And I see you bolded for emphasis. What WERE you thinking?
I’m trying. Very trying, says Mrs CB!

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