Istanbul CL Final chaos | City Matters statement (p 133)

There was (as far as I could see) on arrival at the stadium one small sign a foot square each for the two airports and one for fan zone I missed them on the way out and ended on that crazy road where everyone was confused.
My heart went out to the folk in wheelchairs as they just couldn’t move with wheels dug deep in the gravel.
Some tit had allowed taxis into the coach park and it was totally in gridlock.
The day for me was ruined due to ridiculous advice to arrive so early in such heat with no shade no sunscreen with water confiscated and unable to buy any in the ground as the que was the longest I have ever seen in my life.
I missed the goal as I was trying to get water for my mates.
Long story how we got back but getting dropped off after a cabbie ripped us and having to cross a four lane motorway on foot was no fun.
Not a pleasant experience result aside.
That crossing the motorway was horrendous. I am amazed no one was hit.
I saw a fleet of 20/30 dumper trucks , rollers etc parked to the right as the bus drive up the dirt road to the car park , and thought they’ve just built car park fir this for this game .
was stupid enough to think that fleet of trucks was actually buses for the trip back when we came there after the game...fucking shambles.
I guess the flights from Manchester to Turkey were of similar duration to the length of some of those shuttle buses.

The calluses on your arse were probably the ideal preparation for what was to come.
Total flying time was just over 8 hours. Total time queueing for, and riding on, three shuttle buses was probably about 8 hours 45 minutes.
Total flying time was just over 8 hours. Total time queueing for, and riding on, three shuttle buses was probably about 8 hours 45 minutes.

9 hours for me without queuing time. In all fairness I didn't queue too much. Got on one of the early shuttles to the fanzone in town from SAW.

It was that much of a shitshow, basically got off, had a piss and jumped on one straight to the stadium about half 2 as I was worried things were only going to get worse. 7.5 hours before kickoff and concerned about getting there in time!!! When that one broke down it was clear I'd made the correct decision.

After the match I was very 'lucky' in the grand scheme of things and got the last seat on one of the earlier buses. Still an exorbitant 3 hours on the fucking thing.
There was (as far as I could see) on arrival at the stadium one small sign a foot square each for the two airports and one for fan zone I missed them on the way out and ended on that crazy road where everyone was confused.
My heart went out to the folk in wheelchairs as they just couldn’t move with wheels dug deep in the gravel.
Some tit had allowed taxis into the coach park and it was totally in gridlock.
The day for me was ruined due to ridiculous advice to arrive so early in such heat with no shade no sunscreen with water confiscated and unable to buy any in the ground as the que was the longest I have ever seen in my life.
I missed the goal as I was trying to get water for my mates.
Long story how we got back but getting dropped off after a cabbie ripped us and having to cross a four lane motorway on foot was no fun.
Not a pleasant experience result aside.
You mean this queue? With another the same or longer. Absolutely scandalous.20230610_213347.jpg
Can't understand it why didn't they play it at Galatasari much nearer City centre. The equivalent would be Manchester hosting it but playing it at Salford rugby, sticking one set of fans on the unfinished trams and putting an inadequate bus service for the others, even then vastly nearer town. You can bet everyone would be screaming it should have been held at the Etihad or the swamp.

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