It's anti City Day!

jrb. cos they wont get their arse in owed trafford if they do print ANYTHING that certain people find out of order, bbc gave more coverage to tevez driving ban than chelsea knocking utd out of the f.a.cup. utter bollocks.
john blue said:
jrb. cos they wont get their arse in owed trafford if they do print ANYTHING that certain people find out of order, bbc gave more coverage to tevez driving ban than chelsea knocking utd out of the f.a.cup. utter bollocks.

I know.

However, we should reciprocate likewise.

Write any s*** about City, pre or post derby, and you can forget the free tea, coffee, sandwiches and cakes at Bobby's next press conference. It's too late this season to make a stand and start dishing out bans TBH. However, there's always next season.

The thing is, it's the usual suspects time after time, and the same papers. City have certain journalists onboard. Let's make the most of them. As for the other usual suspects, they can get to f***! As a football club City don't need them or the papers they work for.(Sun, Mirror, Star, etc)
an asian scum fan is attcked on the metrolink leaving the swamp, no one helps him !
so the muen announces that a team of security guards are going to be riding the trams at football matches.
to show an example of football fans they use a large photo of blues getting off at the etihad.

excuse who's fans, where, who didn't help a middle aged bloke being assaulted - not us thats for sure.

no agenda
The problem also is that the constant crap that they write about the club or players is that eventually if they keep on repeating it people begin to accept it as the truth,i honestly thought after winning the title it would ease but by fcuk its got worse.Maybe next season the club will start to come down with an iron fist on those hacks that continue to write the shit and the hidden digs at the club,if its good enough for bacon face then we can do it as well....
ballinio said:
Pigeonho said:
ballinio said:
its a disgrace that the club take this shit, it smacks of `little city` not worthy to be at the top table with utd , makes me sick & i think enoughs enough & the fans should make it clear to the club that thay MUST take action or we will.
They should gather as many false , biased & downright lies that have been printed over the last 6 months , call a press conference & reveal all in front of the world & ban the culprets on the spot one by one.
I know for a fact there are many city prepared to take the law into their owns hands in that press area & a couple of security guys aren`t going to be enough to stop it.
Wait, so you're saying some city fans should get violent with the press? Over reports in chip wrapper?
unless you live in a bubble you cant help but hear that many city fans are at tipping point over this, these tossers come to our ground, take the very best in hospitality that city can give them & in return slag us, try and unsettle the club & cause us damage. Why should we allow them to do this ?
But then again you live in rainbow world where all is beautiful & fair and there is no agenda. you cannot just dismiss them as chip wrapper unfortunately there are a lot of thick people in this country who are easily led . I meet people every week who quote the shit these people write like it was the gospel, i`d say write what you like, we cant stop you but not from our stadium & you better make sure its the truth or we`ll bankrupt your paper with amount of courts we`ll drag you through. Should do the trick without a punch thrown.
well said ballinio.
cibaman said:
If united were 15 points behind us today the press would be dominated by one topic: is it time for fergie to retire?

Last year when we were ahead all they talked about was how good we were nowt wrong with that and I loved it but do you see the difference?!
Shirley said:
Bodicoteblue said:
I think some of you have rather overestimated the power of these semi-literate drunks!
What sort of impact do you believe their banal scribblings actually have on the club - precious little I would guess - and if we know they are talking sh*t then there is every reason to suspect that most others know this too.

Unfortunately these banal scribblings are read all around the world and fully believed by many which can only harm everything our owner is trying to achieve.
They know full well what they are writing and who will ultimately benefit from it all.

very well said.
The shame of they way we are trying to go about things is that the British press are always looking for the negative. After one of the champions league games a foreign journalist was interviewed on Talksport. At the end he made a point of saying that he and his crew wanted to thank the club for it's hospitality, nothing was too much trouble, that they were treated so well that it was a pleasure and he looked forward to coming back. It sticks in my mind because it is so rare to hear things like this about City. It seems foreign journalists appreciate the effort City put in but our press aren't interested.
waspish said:
cibaman said:
If united were 15 points behind us today the press would be dominated by one topic: is it time for fergie to retire?

Last year when we were ahead all they talked about was how good we were nowt wrong with that and I loved it but do you see the difference?!

I seem to remember a lot of talk about how good Fergie was doing by keeping up with us despite having a vastly inferior squad.

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