It's quiet 10, no apologies! (continued)

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richards30 said:
marwood signing without question!! no way bobby would go for sinclair!

Evidence please!!.Give it up regarding Marwood.It's very fucking boring.

Are you best mates with Mancini or something. Deary me...
johnny crossan said:
Laertes said:
IBlue said:
Agree with them may being better options, however one is Canadian and the other has pledged his alliegience to an african country, aswell as losing him every 2 years in Jan, they also do not count for an English quota
There isn't an English quota, it's a Homegrown quota. Hoilett, Moses and Sinclair all count as Homegrown players.
fact remains that Moses would in all likliehood be away for ACON with Nigeria.
Not denying that at all, I just wanted to clear up the Homegrown issue.
Cleggy09 said:
i would swap him for AJ any day of the week.

I dont see what AJ has ever done in his time at the club, give sinclair the chance that AJ has just had I bet he makes more of it than AJ.

Let AJ go and play with the other clown downing

richards30 said:
marwood signing without question!! no way bobby would go for sinclair!

Oh of course. The manager of the football club doesn't have a say in who's brought in.

FFS, think before you post.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
hgblue said:
Cheadle Blue said:
Playing devils advocate, if its £5m why isn't BRendan Rodgers after him?

If Rodgers is getting Johnson, he doesn't need Sinclair. In fact, I bet he's pissing his sides.

Why is he pissing his sides. Adam Johnson thinks he is better than he is,has a face like a slapped arse,loves to piss it up all the time. Sorry mate blue or no blue,he is bad news and apart from the odd goal here and there can you give me one example of where he has won a game single handedly?

Sinclair is quicker and wont have the attitude of Johnson.

People still ranting about not signing this player not signing that. We can't sign everyone just to stop others!

I agree with you 100%, just wanted to see peoples view on that. Johnson has the ability, but unfortunately like most english players, his ego gets in the way
Edwaardz said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Edwaardz said:
He's undoubtedly better than Sinclair.

And undoubtedly Arsenal would sell him to us wouldn't they!!!! F.F.SAKE....And really,is he much better,again all about opinion.
Yes, he's a lot fucking better!

You carry on playing football manager then matey..The majority however will realise in time what a top signing Sinclair will be.
precisely,Sunderland i reckon for AJ[/quote]

na gives us balance now SS Lw AJ Rw[/quote]

So if this gives us balance just what is your midfield then?

If Yaya is a no brainer then which one of Barry, Milner, Nasri, Silva, De Jong.

SS & AJ wouldn't be in the same team even if we were to play a non-league team in the Carling Cup
If it is Scott Sinclair then he has one quality that the team has been lacking - lightning speed. This quality can be used to get around the parked bus. If it is true then it is a clever purchase.
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