It's Quiet 10 no apologies! (continued)

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Danielmanc said:
CityPar said:
lost_n_spaced said:
What got boring was people inventing transfer rumours for adoration by gullible gimps. And then those gullible gimps attacking anyone less gullible (or gimpish). :D

This is supposed to be a forum for genuine transfer rumour, not people purposely inventing stuff to string people along.

TH hasn't purposely invented stuff as you so succinctly put it. He's informed us by various means of targets, developments etc. But like everything else even TH can't control the unforseen and so transfers that looked nailed on can fall to the wayside. It happens. Live with it. It's certainly not THs' fault and I'm sure all he has ever done is post in good faith. If that is not enough for you then stay away or at the very least STFU.

The only reason that this, well past it's sell by date, topic keeps emerging is because some TH fanboy appears each day to say how much they miss him.

What a clown you are lol. Completely missed the point. Certainly not a fanboy but I don't condone what is effectively bullying because something a guy has posted in good faith doesn't quite come off! No need period. Again if you can't take this forum for what it is then jog on......and keep going.
J3SUS said:
why the sudden influx of haters on the transfer forum? It has been ruined by negativity

Quite simply its school holiday time.... the little one's get a bit techy if they don't get their afternoon nap.

It really is getting extremely tedious... I just wish there was a "Restore" button on this forum that would take us back to the days (not that long ago) when it was a pleasure to come on here at this time of year.
gouldybob said:
Keith Moon said:
Balotellis pal and Chievo goalkeeper Sergio Viotti will have a trial at City

Thanks for posting some transfer gossip


I was starting to think I was on the wrong thread. Possibly the pros and cons for tolmies hairdoo thread.
Some people thrive on personal insults other don't and again those in both categories don't necessarily respond in the same way as someone else would like or expect them to.

The code of conduct clearly spells out what should happen to those who throw personal insults to other posters on a regular basis.

Its a shame that individuals whether they be attention seekers or not should feel that its not worth their while to contribute because of personal insults as has been the case in the past.

If it becomes to boring or you don't have the time or inclination to view or post anymore then fair enough but to not do so because of abuse that doesn't even come close to sharp or black humour or wit is what will eventually ensure that some good contributors or those that would like to but feel a trifile inhibited to do so as a result fall by the wayside which for many of those abusers will do them no favours at all in the long run.
lost_n_spaced said:
leewill31 said:
City Raider said:
still to see how this place is better without th

spot on^

Still to see what TH would have offered.

We haven't signed anyone but Rodwell.

TH didn't know a thing about that.

TH creating rumours doesn't make us sign anyone, anymore than Marios Left Pegs, VVK, Ajay or Agent_153's rumours do.

And that - my friends - is fact.

Didn't you promise Ric you would drop this?
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