It's Quiet 17 - Glory Thread

Fuck that, do it for 3 hours. That’s plenty of time to get all the deals lined up. Doesn’t take 3 hours to sign a document does it?

In fact 3 hours is probably too long. If we fuck the negotiations off with the clubs & players, could probably get it down to 3 minutes
In all fairness we usually do just pay the release
Twatter in a nutshell; one school holidays know-nowt with 240 followers claiming some sort of kudos for 'exposing' another completely clueless chancer and running him out of town...

2 bald men fighting over a comb

You'd never have got this sort of shite in the days of ceefax.

Further to Damocles' post, the trouble is this sort of bollocks is a foundation of a lot of journalism now where their bias and agendas are used as the formation of the article and they throw in what they claim are facts with the usual caveats.

Many articles could literally be condensed to; "City are looking to sign a winger but they're also not".

When the above comes true I'll have ITK status.

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