It's Quiet 17 - Glory Thread

has @93.20 come out since the news was complete bollocks? I get its in good faith just making such a huge statement through cryptic messages then disappearing from the thread is a little bait. I guess lesson to self is dont get too excited lol still think were short of a direct pacey winger in since sane and now sterling have left still not convinced Grealish is the player we want him to be hope im wrong!
ofc it was a success, but a lack of a clinical forward bit us in the ass in the big games. Liverpool at Anfield. Liverpool at home. Tottenham at home. Madrid away. Strikers don’t just score goals it’s their movement that disrupts defences and creates for others. It’s why Madrid won the champions league later stages of the competition you need a player that’s guaranteed goals / makes defences second guess themselves, exactly what Benzema did against us and against the dippers.
If Haaland had played in both legs against Madrid we would have have got through.
Maybe 93.20’s excitement came from this coming via somebody high up in the club, who’s own giddiness of a potential deal for Neymar, actually blinded them from the possibility of Pep actually saying No thanks, I mean who’d of thought we would be turning down a world star like Neymar (albeit a fading one) the money men would say yes/football side nah. I know common sense says it’s not our normal mo, but that explains the blow the doors off comment. The links are all starting to surface now & I doubt they all came off here, which means this was in good faith, I hope this doesn’t put him off posting itk info in the future (or do a Gus) I for one appreciate all the chaps on here who give us a heads up, it wouldn’t be half the forum it is without them
Bluemoon forum : Come on ITK's; Give some info, hot off the press.

ITK's : Here you go.

Bluemoon forum : Boo, that didn't happen, fuck off you losers, you're just wumming us.

Note: Not all of the forum, just some.

Sheesh, give me a break.

I love getting giddy during a transfer window.
He said a big name (neymar) is coming to Manchester, pep said it’s not true, reports saying we refused the offer to sign him, there’s nothing relatively positive to come out, except for a random person on BMF posting we’ve blown the doors off
I don't even take anything Pep says as gospel either.

Does anyone remember this?


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