It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

I don’t believe this, we’ll surely he pushing for an answer as we’ll want to sort a replacement. If he proceeds to drag it out, we’ll be well within our rights to play hardball and keep him for another year.

IF that’s true, and I accept it’s a big if, and bearing in mind he’s one of my all time favourite players, but I think we should say enough is enough instead of this same old, same old every summer.
Put out there that he’s for sale, bids starting at £XX million, move him on and crack on with the next phase of Pep ball.
I don’t believe this, we’ll surely he pushing for an answer as we’ll want to sort a replacement. If he proceeds to drag it out, we’ll be well within our rights to play hardball and keep him for another year.

Doubt it. He’s about to get married. Will then be on honeymoon probably. Could drag on for a few weeks
Doubt it. He’s about to get married. Will then be on honeymoon probably. Could drag on for a few weeks
Business is business mate. He’ll know what he wants - stay or go, simple as black and white. If it’s the latter, his agent then needs to do the legwork to ensure the offers are at the table so this isn’t delayed past pre-season.
Business is business mate. He’ll know what he wants - stay or go, simple as black and white. If it’s the latter, his agent then needs to do the legwork to ensure the offers are at the table so this isn’t delayed past pre-season.
He’s known what he’s wanted for about 3 years now. But for him, it hasn’t happened. Same this year, he has no idea what will happen. Probably needs a new agent at this point. And I agree that the club needs to push him as this is getting a bit ridiculous now but I don’t see it because who’s making a bid?
Suspect he’s waiting on Barca if that’s true.
The only way he’ll end up in Barcelona is if the Saudi’s buy him for them as a gift. Their offer will be half a Curly Wurly and the 1978 Beano Summer Special album.

Barcelona are like Katie Price, if not bankrupt, on the edge of it but still determined to shop in Harrod’s
I don’t believe this, we’ll surely he pushing for an answer as we’ll want to sort a replacement. If he proceeds to drag it out, we’ll be well within our rights to play hardball and keep him for another year.

Mentioned yesterday that he’s apparently getting married in Portugal on July 1st, which means he’ll be off on his hols as well, so his footballing destination might be unclear for some time. If someone meets our valuation and he’s amenable to that place, we won’t stand in his way. I’m working on the premise that, like Gundogan, he’s off and that we’ll have new players in place.
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