It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

Well again the problem is there isn't really anyone out there, gvardiol aside.

I actually don't blame anyone, jotting it down to smart business. We prefer not to panic and overspend on the wrong players. When an opportunity arises we'll react.

Yeah Ironically, Gvardiol is the one player/position we don't actually need, as it stands. The only player we are reportedly actively pursuing is for the future more than the coming season.
Possibly weaker. As it currently stands.
The concern is that the opposition(s) may be stronger.
Rags, Dippers, Arsenal have all signed better players. Dippers only have Europa league so they'll def come for the league title this season. Newcastle got better too.

Chelsea and Spurs will get worse. Brighton and Villa are a threat too.

Agree, most of the rivals are getting better while city are currently worse off.
Are we stronger or WEAKER ? ...

We just don't know, because we have NO idea about possible exits for...
We've added Kovacic and if the never ending saga is resolved plus Gvardiol, and probably Jimmy Mac and Billy Bobb.

No matter what the apologists say, after the end of season euphoria this window has been, till now, a load of "happy flowers" which I think is Catalan irony for Gladys Knight. I'd be delighted to come back on here and acknowledge a superb month of business come Sep 1st. Really hope so. However, there is a growing sense that all is not well and we ain't being told why ? ... OK ya, toodle pip

Objectively weaker currently.

If someone had said in January "the only squad change is Cancelo leaves, does that make us stronger or weaker?" what would your answer have been?

Football isn't played on paper, Pep knows he's only got 2 years left and I don't believe he'd go into his penultimate season half-baked. If you want to label me an apologist, fine, I'd rather have some trust in the people that got us this far and if worst comes to worst and they make a rare mistake and we have a season that's slightly worse than our best season ever, I can live with that.
If someone had said in January "the only squad change is Cancelo leaves, does that make us stronger or weaker?" what would your answer have been?

Football isn't played on paper, Pep knows he's only got 2 years left and I don't believe he'd go into his penultimate season half-baked. If you want to label me an apologist, fine, I'd rather have some trust in the people that got us this far and if worst comes to worst and they make a rare mistake and we have a season that's slightly worse than our best season ever, I can live with that.
There has been reportings of Pep being unhappy with the lack of movement so far... So, currently, its half-baked and weaker. But that is CURRENTLY, as things can change.

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