It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

I hope I’m wrong and we do spend however I’m not so sure
cant see it being 5 or pep being a factor. the club have defined what style they want to play (pep is the pinnicle of that style) the new manager will someone who plays that style. Personality will prob be the factor on who he gets to ship out asap once in the job i reckon.
cant see it being 5 or pep being a factor. the club have defined what style they want to play (pep is the pinnicle of that style) the new manager will someone who plays that style. Personality will prob be the factor on who he gets to ship out asap once in the job i reckon.

I think Bruno and Savio come in assp and any others will be dependent on outgoings
The transfer window is an absolute circus, The best thing we can all do is just give it all a miss and tune back in on August 17th to see who is in the starting line up...

The way things are going in the Premier League so far there will be about 480 players leaving and 700 players being signed ffs...
Same every summer bullshit after bullshit mainly started by agents and keyboard warriors.
Savio will be the only one signed this summer!
Rico, Oscar, Grealish, Stones, everybody gets more minutes next season!
Happy ending!
So Everton will have a fire sale anyone worth a look other than Braithwaite who we do not need.

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