It's Quiet - a new dawn

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Let's say we sign Mendy, why would Bertrand leave Soton in a World Cup year to play back up at city? I just don't see it. Think we will sign one at that level.

"In a world cup year" is pretty irrelevant to Bertrand. If he's fit, he's going.

Who would even replace him? Cresswell? Gibbs? Shaw? No chance. The first 2 are a country mile away from good enough and Rose + Shaw is basically asking to be left with no fit options.

If Bertrand has any considerations about the WC, it will be that if he comes here and starts, he might get ahead of Rose, that's it. He probably still won't, but definitely won't if he's at Saints.
Let's say we sign Mendy, why would Bertrand leave Soton in a World Cup year to play back up at city? I just don't see it. Think we will sign one at that level.
Because he'd share the role, rather than be back up for it. Clichy and Kolarov have had fairly similar appearance stats over their City careers, Kolarov slightly higher. I'd imagine it will be the same with our 2 new left backs, whoever they end up being. He'd get 30-odd appearances, in a team challenging for trophies. If that's not good enough for him, then yeah, he probably won't come. But I reckon he can't wait to sign to be honest.
This is all getting rather odd.

I also have a friend (well, hubby of one of the beautiful Mrs This!'s best mates) who has just been poached in to a hedge fund start-up (well, hes a year or two in). He also used to be partner level at Lehman then Goldman Sachs. He's also a big Arse fan.

House outside london, house almost complete in egypt on their own private island, house under refurb on the waterfront of lake Geneva. Nice work if you can get it!...

Meanwhile, back in reality - it's rather quiet today...
So, what I've learned is all big hedge fund people in London are Tarquins. Guess I'm not surprised as Arsenal fits what they would look for in a club, "successful", "refined", more "upper class".

It wouldn't do to be a fan of Spurs, (though this could change) or West Ham too "poor". Chelsea is too chavvy, and certainly not Milwall or any of the "lesser clubs".(My apologies to Palace for not stereotyping them) Who in your professional circle would see you on match day if you supported a lower division club?

Let's say we sign Mendy, why would Bertrand leave Soton in a World Cup year to play back up at city? I just don't see it. Think we will sign one at that level.

I do hope some of our fans realize that this myth of a Pro footballer getting upset at not being picked for every game possible its just not there any more in a top 4 team Especially in the Premiership if ambitions are reached in a season they would have to play over 50-60 games.

Rotation of a squad is just as vitally important in today's game more now than its ever been.
I do hope some of our fans realize that this myth of a Pro footballer getting upset at not being picked for every game possible its just not there any more in a top 4 team Especially in the Premiership if ambitions are reached in a season they would have to play over 50-60 games.

Rotation of a squad is just as vitally important in today's game more now than its ever been.

It's not a myth at all. While some rotation is to be expected, the top players will want to play the vast majority of games. And then what happens for the big games? The big CL games, the big games against our rivals, cup finals etc. you think top players will be ok with missing out on them?
My Chelsea supporting postman just told me they have signed Willy to replace the departing Begovitch

Very good deal for Chelsea.

They sold their back up keeper for 15 Million Pound and replaced him for free with a very good GK.
My hedgefund guy got back to me.
He says that he has heard that they are expecting Sanchez to be going to City.

This guy knows people inside Arsenal but obviously take this with a pinch of salt.

When I want to remind myself how difficult a football transfer is, I think back to when I was transferring universities. The Uni wanted me and everthing was informally agreed but it still took several weeks after that to confirm it. In football you also have the agents and the clubs playing games making it impossible to predict what will happen. Anything can change at a moments notice.
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