It's Quiet thread 14 - 'do one' edition

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Always maintained personally this was the window to get him, which is obvious not happening....

By these comments won't be surprised of he signs an extension, which would have been a massive waste of time (if they indeed were focused only on Messi during that 1-2 week period)
Partially true but what club in their right mind would not want Messi and Pep if they have the means? It already has been Guardiola FC to an extent. Messi coming in won't change that.

You just have to look at the benefits club will have from getting Messi, and it will help us grow as a club. Identity isn't formed by commerical deals, all I see here recently is doubts on club not being well run and question marks of their decision making. Not really a good sign.
I hear what you say, catalyst, but just look at the reactions on here a couple of weeks ago to the prospect of getting Messi. It was like young girls throwing moist knickers at a boy band. Multiply that up and you have a worldwide circus, all for a brilliant but fast fading superstar.

Yes, it will help us grow but at the expense of crass commercialism and another giant step away from our roots.

If that’s what most people want, fine, but let’s never hear from the same individuals again about plastic fans, rah rah entertainment, grounds stuffed with day trippers, loyalty to the badge, blah, blah.

And I’ll tell you what. If the project fails on the pitch - and failure surely means not winning the UCL - we, together with our manager, will be a laughing stock.
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Always maintained personally this was the window to get him, which is obvious not happening....

By these comments won't be surprised of he signs an extension, which would have been a massive waste of time (if they indeed were focused only on Messi during that 1-2 week period)

He’s staying there for another year, of course he has to be positive about it. Would completely ruin the morale in the dressing room. He loves the club and would never complain for a whole season. Barca are fucked financially, and are apparently unable to offer him a new, better contract

Always maintained personally this was the window to get him, which is obvious not happening....

By these comments won't be surprised of he signs an extension, which would have been a massive waste of time (if they indeed were focused only on Messi during that 1-2 week period)

He over estimated his player power and played his hand, the club reminded him that they call the shots and he had to tone down his prima donna antics, he never had any plans of actually leaving barcelona, it was just some desperate card he played to exercise his player power and it failed woefully, I believe we were never really in for him and the media just wanted to put our name out there BUT if we fell for it then I really don't know what to say.
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