It's Quiet Thread 15 - Txiki Blinders

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No idea what this means
It's rap music. You dance a bit like this.

Oh Al. There are certain protocols that need to be observed:-)

Obviously a touch of additional salt but vinegar is reserved for proper chips.

McD's is pretty much hangover food in fairness but I know that my red / brown sauce aversion is, shall I say, unusual.
I don’t do McD’s, probably been once this millenium.

I do share your aversion of brown sauce though. It’s wrong.
If grealish is worth 100 then Bernardo is worth near or the same as.
Talent wise,possibly.....but,on top of his very significant fee,factor in his astronomical wage and his much lower marketing appeal,and he lacks the same attraction and/or is out of reach for most clubs.He has further narrowed his options by his desire to return closer to home.
Talent wise,possibly.....but,on top of his very significant fee,factor in his astronomical wage and his much lower marketing appeal,and he lacks the same attraction and/or is out of reach for most clubs.He has further narrowed his options by his desire to return closer to home.

He signed a contract and then signed another improved contract.

He is a professional, he should honor his contract.

The club shouldn't lose millions because suddenly their employee want to go home.
He signed a contract and then signed another improved contract.

He is a professional, he should honor his contract.

The club shouldn't lose millions because suddenly their employee want to go home.

There's no question of him not "honouring" his contract is there to be fair. The club has told him that if he's unhappy, he can go if he finds another club that can make a suitable offer. That's fair and reasonable. He deserves to be shown respect based on the hard work he's put in.

Note that he's not causing drama in the press or refusing to train like a certain someone ...
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