It's started already

Just tell them that they support the most hated club on the planet, so unlike the euphoria and back slapping we enjoyed last year from every other clubs fans, they have to party amongst themselves as nobody else gives a shit.
Ironically, them winning the title so soon compounds this.
They used to have a banner telling us how long it was since we last won anything. We metaphorically stuffed it up their collective arses two seasons ago. We used to say how small time it made them look as it just proved we were real fans and not just glory hunters like them.

Taking the piss about us coming second is something I can deal with because my support for City doesn't depend on how many trophies we win. Unlike them.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Taking the piss about us coming second is something I can deal with because my support for City doesn't depend on how many trophies we win. Unlike them.

Spot on, I made a similar remark yesterday to a right bulb in the office who doesn't even go. "I don't give a shit and no one else does. Go and ask the Huddersfield Town fan if he's going to stop going next season cos they've won nowt."

That is the difference between them and everybody else, they define themselves on how many pots their team win. Reflected glory, it is all they understand. Until they lose that is, nowhere to be seen then.
Fuck em - win some and you lose some - They've been taking shit from us for the last 10 months. I'm enjoying the banter now rather than for the last 20 years where it has been one way traffic

I just told them I'm off back to Turkey in June on Holiday. Great the Turkish. Now fuck off and we'll see you next year
They're still keepin their cards close to their chests! I think last season hurt them so much that winnin the league in such a boring fashion still doesn't heel those wounds . I also think they can't shake off the fact that the likes of us and Chelsea have been well below par. We just need to fuck them over at their place and win the fa cup and they won't have complete bragging rights . A good win against them in the semi would give us the upper hand over them IMO and they would hate that .

Prepare for a fookin sky sports Man U wank fest though . It's bad enough already .
you'll never win it like we did
you'll never win it like we did
you'll never win it like we did
you boring cockney shite

where's your famous banner gone?
88ster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Taking the piss about us coming second is something I can deal with because my support for City doesn't depend on how many trophies we win. Unlike them.

Spot on, I made a similar remark yesterday to a right bulb in the office who doesn't even go. "I don't give a shit and no one else does. Go and ask the Huddersfield Town fan if he's going to stop going next season cos they've won nowt."

That is the difference between them and everybody else, they define themselves on how many pots their team win. Reflected glory, it is all they understand. Until they lose that is, nowhere to be seen then.

Iv always got that one "why the fook do you even support Man U" usually stops them in their tracks .
Vienna_70 said:
One of the two decent - both former ST holders at the swamp - rags at work came up to me this morning and asked, "Haven't you lost something?"

Me: "No, I don't think so."

Him: "Haven't you lost something. Silverware, about this high!"

Me: "Not yet."

I reckon 13th May is still hurting and there is nothing they can say or do that will ever take away the feelings of joy, euphoria and delight following Sergio's goal that fantastic afternoon.

And let's face it, we've had enough practice of having their success rammed down our throats for the last 20 years that it is no problem for us to laugh off another rag title-win.

Their title win will be like a damp squib,they will have two months of getting used to it, and on the final day of the season they will have to force themselves to get giddy...
Their open top bus parade will be even worse than last time
Our final day title win was the best and will always be the best and most exciting title win in prem history..

We are City and we are the future of premiership football.. so well done you Red Fuckers,savour it cos we will rain on your parade for many many moons to come.
88ster said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Taking the piss about us coming second is something I can deal with because my support for City doesn't depend on how many trophies we win. Unlike them.

Spot on, I made a similar remark yesterday to a right bulb in the office who doesn't even go. "I don't give a shit and no one else does. Go and ask the Huddersfield Town fan if he's going to stop going next season cos they've won nowt."

That is the difference between them and everybody else, they define themselves on how many pots their team win. Reflected glory, it is all they understand. Until they lose that is, nowhere to be seen then.
Spot on. Best post I've read on here for a while. It's thread after thread of the same shit with different thread names and has been for months on here. But I like this post!

I know two decent Rags; two of 650million...that's 0.00000031% of their entire fanbase. The rest of them are cünts!
We have to beat them at the swamp, that is the key, that would totally piss on their 200 man parade

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