ITV News

scottyboi said:
aphex said:
what is this in your head about him taking away freedom of speech? he's not running for a consituency or for goverment.

what are you so afraid of? i think you opinions are a little more personal than you let on.

living in a democracy allows us and them the right to speak our minds.. regardless of them being banned/surpressed they will recruit people into there beliefs.

allowing them a voice is the best thing for everyone, as it will show them to the world for what they really are.

FFS how is letting him speak the best thing for everyone is it fuck.
I want him dead, the government need to get him whacked asap the dirty scum bag.They will regret letting this continue because there will be a backlash soon and race wars will begin.

No there won't because not everybody is as hysterical as you. The guy is just an attention whore who can only make his point by offending people. Mr Choudary wants divide people and by coming out with shit like 'race wars will begin' you're playing straight into his hands and giving him the reaction he wants, so well done he's played you a treat.
scottyboi said:
masterwig said:
If someone is born here they originate here as far as I'm concerned. Not sure where you want them deported to.

So they preach these laws that are not practised in G.B. Send them Pakistan and see if they would put up with them.
Pakistan's police would fucking butcher them.

If any of them are British citizens then why should Pakistan take them?

Britain: 'Here Pakistan, have a few knobheads that were causing us grief.'
Pakistan: 'But they are British citizens. They were born, raised and educated in Britain. It's not our problem'
Britain: 'Yeah but they have darker skin than us and can talk a different language'
Pakistan: 'Oh well then, our mistake, they must be ours. Sorry about that old chap, we'll gladly take them off your hands.'

Not going to happen is it? The biggest problem we have is the enemy within. The group of people born and educated in Britain who want to destroy the British way of life. It should be easy enough to prevent someone coming from another country and causing trouble but we have to deal with those who are causing trouble from within.
masterwig said:
Stevies Bald Head! said:
wherever the fuck the originate from if they were born here!!

If someone is born here they originate here as far as I'm concerned. Not sure where you want them deported to.

I dont care out of this country is all i want. It wouldnt bother me in the slightest if they were all hearded on to boats and then sunk in the middle of the atlantic ocean!
aphex said:
blueinsa said:
With you 100% mate but expect the liberal left sandal wearing hand wringers to come on defending the guy whilst labelling anyone who dares to have a go at the terrorist loving, British way of life hating scum bag a 'racist'

Choudary, why dont you just fuck off!

im with you 100%

well i was until you referred to liberals badly in one fell swoop. i consider myself a liberal, my beliefs are not one of letting people take libertys. you have a warped sense of what being liberal is all about.

Well I'm a Tory and I'd shoot the f*cker!
I was absolutley fucking raging when I was reading it in the paper.....

I thought a vein in my head wad going to pop

This bloke is a cuntbag of the highest order, shithouse coward that is encouraging terrorism

I am all for free speech and everyoneshould be able to voice thier opinion but he is voicing his opinions though, he is activly campaining for Muslims to come together and fight against the war

Free speech or not we live under a Monarch and goverment - and we do what she says

You don't like that then Fuck off to France - It's been this way for 1000's of years

He should be tried for Treason
PaulPowerShower said:
I was absolutley fucking raging when I was reading it in the paper.....

I thought a vein in my head wad going to pop

This bloke is a cuntbag of the highest order, shithouse coward that is encouraging terrorism

I am all for free speech and everyoneshould be able to voice thier opinion but he is voicing his opinions though, he is activly campaining for Muslims to come together and fight against the war

Free speech or not we live under a Monarch and goverment - and we do what she says

You don't like that then Fuck off to France - It's been this way for 1000's of years

He should be tried for Treason

Jesus Christ. I don't even know where to start with that post. Maybe you should help yourself to a fucking history text book.
TheLegendOfBerti said:
the queen has no power is what I think he's getting at.

The point I was making was we live under a Monarchy - The government serves the Monarchy but are elected to act under their own steam - That's getting onto a different point

the point I was getting at was that this man is inciting actions that go directly against our government ideals and orders - Which Historicaly have been cemented in defending a throne with a monach on it

Which I think is grounds for treason

Was Guy Fawkes just a troublemaker that should have had his voice heard??

Was he fuck

(Different situation I know, but same underlying principal)
PaulPowerShower said:
Start wherever you like you fucking prick

You're a hostile little thing aren't you?

Ok for a start, been like that for thousands of years has it? You sure about that?

Not being able to question the authority and decisions the people in power make it is called a dictatorship, you know that's what WW2 was about preventing. So telling people to fuck off to France if they don't like the way things are run is just idiotic.

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