ive always liked Spurs

How is it possible NOT to hate Spurs? They are in the same category as Leeds for me!
RBmk2 said:
You're right about 81,I'm still not over it!!It

I was ten in 81 and was lucky enough to go to the replay (took the day off school - my mum taught at the school and said we were ill - unfortunately we were shown on the local news grinning and waving at Piccadilly station!).

My big issue with Spurs was nothing to with tht game - but what sticks in the memory is the number of "Spurs" fans that started popping up near where I lived and at school. These weren't Rags pretending to like Spurs, but little ten year old glory hunters who thought they were massive Spurs fans. (no prizes for guessing who they now support !)
auction294 said:
Can hear it now - Tevez dribbles past every Spurs player and scores a wonder goal. Then we can see it repeated on TV as the goal of the season for years to come.
alternatively plant an IED under Gomes and watch that on youtube for years to come

Alternatively 'Arry Twitches too many times and this causes his head to explode... We can then watch it on the discovery channel as a natural phenomena episode alongside the spontaneous combustion one.
royle said:
Lets face it,if Spurs weren't our rivals for that last champions league spot and were currently occupying a mid table (no threat) place,Spurs would be getting as many complimentary comments as the likes of Fulham,reverse that and if it was Fulham we were playing on Wednesday in a battle for that final champions league spot,Hodgson and Fulham would be recieving the same hate wrath as Spurs currently are.
no they wouldnt i like fulham.<br /><br />-- Tue May 04, 2010 5:59 pm --<br /><br />
Pam said:
Behind the rags and the Blue Dippers, Spurs are the third biggest twats to ever walk the planet. They are oxygen wasters and toilets.
pam coming from you sweetheart thats a compliment, how good ley by the way still rag infested?
colinbellsboots said:
samharris said:
havent you got a wall to wail at ??
yeah fuck it lets all be muslim for the day, ALLAH, ALLAH GIVE US A SONG ALLAH GIVE US A SONG

You know yids are jewish, right? Or am I missing something?

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