Ive just got to do something. We can help these kids now

This is a great cause i'll have a root and ask family and friends i'll also put it on my facebook status to see if i can get others involved.
CooperMcfcF/W said:

i love that picture! count me in!
Cracking idea would love to go over their and play footy with them. Ill try and find a shirt or two.

We all follow the city over land and sea and GHANA!!!

One of my neighbours is from Ghana will tell him about it.
CooperMcfcF/W said:
Firstly thank you for all your amazing idea's. This is the plan i am putting into action this week.

1. I am going to contact a friend who is involved in making documentries to highlight the power of football and how it brings people together from all walks of life. I am going see if he would be interested on doing somesort of programme filming a few blues spending a week in Ghana with these young lads.
Starting from the collection of old sportswear and city tops in England to personally delivering them in Ghana.

2. I am going to contact Gary Cook and the fans rep at the club to see what, or if they can help us?

3. I am going to contact Umbro and see what they can do?

4. I am going to see if i can get one of our African players involved at the club

If anyone thinks they can help or have ay more great ideas please please p.m. me

Good on ya Cooper, I know Peter quite well, wer often chat on facebook, he is a really nice guy who is struggling to keep his teams going, using some of his trainee teachers allowance to keep his dream for the kids going.
I bought them some footballs a while back and would be more than happy to contribute again for them.
FYI all age groups were unbeaten this weekend.
Was in Marocco at easter walking in the Atlas Mountains with our kids (12 yrs old twins). Stoppped in village where the local kids were playing an after school kick about. they spotted my lad and asked if he fancied a kick about (he was wearing his City away shirt). He did ok in a high spirited match but after looked sad. I asked 'what's up, M8 you did really well' he replied ' I felt bad cos half of the didn't have shoes on . ' He then reflected and said . Dad surely we can help these guys get some shoes ?? I was choked .. but let it drift...the OPs project is ace and if w can help in any way let us know.

Your support is hugely appreciated. Alex Channon of the CSA did a kit appeal some time ago and it was the trigger that inspired a few of us to set up a charity to support clubs like Peter's in Africa. We are setting up a charitable organisation called Soccer Babies (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.webjam.com/soccer_babies" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.webjam.com/soccer_babies</a>) and the first team we are supporting is the Manchester City Babies in Ghana that Peter in Ghana has spent a huge amount of time setting up.

In line with City's fantastic result on Saturday, the Babies in Ghana were unbeaten across all age groups (U12, U14, U17) over the weekend. Each age group is sitting in the top 5 of their respective leagues in the Ghanaian Youth League in Northern Ghana. It is a fantastic achievement in their first season. The impact the club is having in the local community is huge with many new fans of City being seen throughout Tamale, the town in Ghana where their village is close to.

We managed to get kits for the U12s in pre-season when there was a sale on at the Citystore. But now the team still need other kit in order to train as they save their gleaming City kits for match days only. Plus we only managed to kit out the U12s in City kit so the U14 and U17 play in other strips. Many of the kids play in bear feet on very rocky pitches. So any kit that can be sent is massively appreciated.

You can follow the progress of the Babies in Ghana at the following page:

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.mcfcfans.co.uk/mcfc_babies" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.mcfcfans.co.uk/mcfc_babies</a>

There is huge potential in this project so support will be much appreciated. In future we will be making a list of how fans can help to support the project and the club in Ghana. Our biggest challenge is having the time to move things forward so if we can build a network of support online then it will make a big difference.
BlueRoscoe said:
mammutly said:
I think it would be great if 'bluemoon' could somehow officially sponsor these lads.

We should get some sort of deal going with umbro, they make the kits with the city badge on it, and bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk slapped across the front of it! Put that in your pipe and smoke it bluewatch!

Dunno how we're going to get umbro to do a deal, but a man can dream.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it bluewatch!
Childish, unnecessary and it's not a competition...

The kids could do with some socks...
Absolutly Amazing Idea, I really do hope this will get somewhere, And Without a doubt will be getting involved.
I would also love to go to Ghana, I would love to see how different we live to them. and most importantly to help and tell those kids the stroys about Manchester City and show the kids video's pictures etc
As much as i would love to I am going to Afghanistan in March next year and am taking all my old shirts out there. I have a draw full. I will have to ask for permission to dish them out but i want to spread the word to the kids out there. No matter what uniform I have on i will have something to do with City on it and I will send photos
In the process of trying to get the amateur team i run to do a football tour (play a few games) in Ghana in may so we can go and meet Peter and give him the stuff he needs directly in his hands.
Its at the early stages yet so i am going to see if the footy mag 4-4-2 want to cover the story (especially with the world cup being in africa) Also trying to get hold of a documentry company to see if they are interested in bringing a film crew or even possibly Granada reports.
I think it would change the way my players think and make them appreciate what they have in life and not to take anything for granted.
Any one who can help or has any ideas please pm me or the above contacts.

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