Jack Grealish

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Exciting signing this. We do need a striker too but would like to see a holding midfielder also but doesn’t look to be on the radar. Interesting to see who club go for next summer in that position when it will be a must with Fernandinho going at that point (hopefully to coaching role rather than leaving).
Yeah let’s not sign the best striker in the league after losing our best ever striker.
Kane is over rated and I don’t think he’ll suit our style of play, my preference is Felix due to him a better footballer and being perfect for the false 9 position we played last year. We’ll essentially have the same strikers as what won us the league, LC and got us to a CL final last season if we don’t replace Kun as he hardly played anyway.

I think getting Grealish is better for us than getting Kane and I wouldn’t be too upset if Jesus or Delap played off the bench.
I do, I think its you that isnt doing that.

I will leave you with this question. If grealish was as good as your hype about him why hasnt another club bought him the past few seasons.

I can also remind you he was total gash in the biggest game of his carreer. Why was that if he is a such a player.?
I said he can’t control the middle of the park better then Phil . You brought stats and assists in to it ..

why didn’t someone buy silva before he was 24 ??

players don’t move for a body of reasons .
The shits up the road tried to buy him last summer for £75 million . He turned them down and stayed.
Apparently a guy very close to Villa has said Grealish's pic is being taken down from the north stand this evening

Another more tragic guy on reddit (a so called itk) keeping a hard stance he is staying at Villa. If it were us with all that is happening with reports from, basically, club mouthpieces i'd just be waiting for the innevitable really. A great many of the Villa are in genuine denial about this. I think their reddit itk is actually a kfa.

I don't have to be a weatherman to know its pissing it down, likewise i don't need to be itk to know this is obviously pretty much done.
Paying this much suggests somebody is leaving us, one out one in... if the one out goes for 60m+ and grealish comes in for 90m+ then it doesn't take a genius to work out we'll be adding grealish to our team for around 30m add all the other fringe players that have already moved on such as Harrison and Nemecha for 20 odd million why would that suggest he will be our only buy? You need to look at the whole picture.
I agree but it is notoriously difficult for us to sell players especially those valued so highly and paid so much. I cant see anyone leaving for £60m+ but if im wrong im wrong.
Exciting signing this. We do need a striker too but would like to see a holding midfielder also but doesn’t look to be on the radar. Interesting to see who club go for next summer in that position when it will be a must with Fernandinho going at that point (hopefully to coaching role rather than leaving).
Wouldn’t it be ironic if our next big summer signing was a Syrian refugee rescued from the Channel by the RNLI ?
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