Jack Grealish

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I`m weird.
By all accounts I stopped drinking tea when I was only 4 years old.66 years later and I cannot even stand the smell of tea let alone drink the filthy stuff.
Thankfully my missus of 46 years is also a non tea drinker.
Two weirdos and just thought, make that 3, as our 29 year year old lad, who still lives with us,is also a non tea drinker but his two elder sibling sisters are tea drinkers.Uuuuuuuurrrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!
Didn’t mean you Oakie you’re obviously not weird. It’s all those other weirdos.
Courtesy of an absolute weird bullshitter on villatalk...


My son replied "But, they aren't Aston Villa are they? If I love Villa what's the point winning trophies with someone else? If you win with them it means Villa haven't won. Surely if you're so good and you love Villa you would want to play for them to help them to win the trophies, right?"

My son replied "Dad, playing isn't just about winning. It's about having fun and enjoying yourself. How could I enjoy myself and have fun playing for another team and wearing different shirts? That wouldn't be fun for me. And I wouldn't need all that extra money either because Villa would be paying me enough. So I'd be happy as long as I played for them"."

I actually laughed out loud at that. What sort of sad fucker do you have to be to make up shit like that for.
He's got some calves.
Right fuck it il say it, he’s a bit of a sexy bastard isn’t he!
He’d look miles better if he shaved that stupid hair cut off though. He’s coming up North now, he doesn’t need some poncey boy band hairdo anymore.
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