George Hannah
Well-Known Member
I was expecting the latter, it is after all a famous reminder of pervasive social injustice at that time, but your post seems to indicate both unfortunately.Aversion to you or aversion to the image?
I was expecting the latter, it is after all a famous reminder of pervasive social injustice at that time, but your post seems to indicate both unfortunately.Aversion to you or aversion to the image?
I was expecting the latter, it is after all a famous reminder of pervasive social injustice at that time, but your post seems to indicate both unfortunately.
I am not a traitor to my class, I just need to find out which it is.Not at all. You’re jumping to a bit of a paranoid conclusion there. I have no idea who you are or what you stand for so cant judge. That image you posted can be taken two ways: one as an example of inequality or two a way to belittle the working class/poor. I have no idea what your motive was for posting it.
As funny as gall stones/gout/ingrowing toenail/tooth absess. All suffered simultaneously.Like him for his political theatre and knowledge and he is perfect for the role of Leader of the house as he is also funny.
I am not a traitor to my class, I just need to find out which it is.
You forgot about florins, tanners and threppnebits.I agree completely with Jake about two spaces after a full stop. Have yer read this you bastards on 'ere? TWO FUCKING SPACES after a full stop!
Oh, and imperial measurements. Are we gonna have twenty shillings in a pound and twelve pence in a shilling after October. Get it sorted, Boris!
Ooops, sorry you bastards on 'ere, I have to call you esquire!
I just hope that come the revolution my comrades are sufficiently sure of their class allegiances that they don't start eviscerating themselves.Sure.
thruppenny bits please and don't forget farthings, crowns, groats and (most importantly) sovereigns.You forgot about florins, tanners and threppnebits.
I am not a traitor to my class, I just need to find out which it is.
thruppenny bits please and don't forget farthings, crowns, groats and (most importantly) sovereigns.