Jacob Rees-Mogg

He was quite happy to lean on his christianity when it came to voting against abortion and gay marriage.
Not finished it yet but I’ve not seen any mention of abortion in the Bible. Lots on helping the poor though and the meek look onto a winner. Maybe Jacob hasn’t got that far yet. He seems stuck in the Old Testament, this Jesus fellow will blow his socks off.
Not many people can honestly say they are both stupid and evil. This guy excels at both. Quite a talent he has.
Oh yeah, he's definitely in the Pick 'n Mix brigade.

He's just a few hundred years out of date on Christian teachings.

Horde money? Check.
Keep the poor poor? Check.
ignore wrongdoings of own side? Check.
Burn the heretics? Give him a chance.
Believe you're superior because you know Latin? Check.

It's all quite late middle ages; he's just updated his wardrobe to Victorian.
Jacob has the vibes of a man who has never had a decent ride in his life, or even had a blow job, not from a woman at least. He tried to run for a seat in a Fife constituency and turned up with his nanny. In Fife ffs. A supposed devout Catholic who’s attitudes towards the poor and needy would revulse his lord and saviour. In a party of c***s he’s a real standout.
B-bbbut he's got 6 kids?
Does he claim family allowance?
No better than Wayne and Waynetta...

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