Jacob Rees-Mogg

Not finished it yet but I’ve not seen any mention of abortion in the Bible. Lots on helping the poor though and the meek look onto a winner. Maybe Jacob hasn’t got that far yet. He seems stuck in the Old Testament, this Jesus fellow will blow his socks off.

When he gets to the NT he might want to look at St Paul's letter to Titus and ponder 1:16
What's really terrifying is that this bat shit crazy, smug arrogant jackanapes spouts his shit and people don't even bat an eyelid anymore.
What's really terrifying is that this bat shit crazy, smug arrogant jackanapes spouts his shit and people don't even bat an eyelid anymore.
At least he's now on the back benches and not in the cabinet, but the damage his extreme right wing nonesense along with all the other nutters in the ERG have inflicted on the country will take decades to repair.

It's a frustrating experience watching the shit he and his cohorts were spouting in the run up to the referendum in the leave campaign, and the fact he was promoted to 'Brexit Opportununity Minister', or whatever it was called, then asked readers of The Sun for ideas, just confirms he's a clueles idiot. A posh, well spoken bloke, but with a brain the size of a maggot.

Arrogance is a trait of an Eton education, when 'Born to Lead' is drilled into their DNA, and this his is demeanor during an important discussion in the House of Commons.

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. A posh, well spoken bloke, but with a brain the size of a maggot.
I remember him being interviewed while walking into a COBRA meeting in the early weeks of Covid and a reporter asked him to comment on the situation and he replied "Warsh yore hends to the netional enthem".

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