James H Reeve

I remember on one programme the doc mentioned that when fergie was at aberdeen he used to ban journalist if he didnt agree with the stuff they reported ( after all these years some things never change ) The doc was fucking bang on about that ?
cyberblue said:
James H is a good mate of mine .was round at the house to watch both Wembly games .he still does after dinner stuff up & down the country .he only lives round the corner so see him quite alot
Nothing to do with the o/p but why you not going away anymore Don, especially wembley !?!? or have i got that wrong?
Id moved to Sheffield for a while, and had just had mt 1st born lad ( now 17!) and James H had a show over there. For a period in my life I was going to bed at ten with the baby in his cot and JHR was on the radio. It was probably only a couple of months but it was a time in my life I will always remember. He was class. and during this time I read the Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck.
just one of those individual memories that will always stick
Best broadcaster of his generaton. Stanage and Beswick try to copy but don't even come close.

I used to see a girl who lived about 20 miles away. Used to listen on the way home then sit in the car to listen to the next part, then the next and before you knew it it was 1am.

It was a shame he fell out with his bosses so often as he had, and still has, so much to offer,
i seen him at the bus parade. he looked a lot different than i remembered him. would love to see hime on the pitch at half times.
Dribble said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Whatever happened to James Stannage?!! I always remember that knob Jock Paul who said he was a City fan but then became a Leeds fan!

It was James Stannage that I saw on that banner. He currently broadcasting on http://www.manchesterradioonline.com

I've never listened to it so I don't know how good/bad the station is!!!

We should start a petition 'Bring back JHR'!!! :-)

that guy was Paul Nolan.... 25 years later, and still remmeber him. A nobjockey.....
bainy said:
cyberblue said:
James H is a good mate of mine .was round at the house to watch both Wembly games .he still does after dinner stuff up & down the country .he only lives round the corner so see him quite alot
Nothing to do with the o/p but why you not going away anymore Don, especially wembley !?!? or have i got that wrong?
imust be on the turn .The politics of the club first pissed me of but managed to live with that ,then i got bored of night games with no athmosphere ,then Sat games followed .find i enjoy the games more now than ever with a crate of Lager meat & pot pie .& a couple of mates round
Anyone remember Irate Albert who used to come James late night show, pissed myself when he said he was all in favour of legalizing prostitution as long as there was a discount for pensioners.
Hello, Citizens. I have been alerted about this discussion and feel I ought to reply.

Firstly, I am very flattered by the (mostly) complimentary remarks. Quite unnecessary, but thanks v much. I was just earning a living and being paid partly for taking the opportunity to stick up for the Mighty Blues, frequently with not a great deal of ammunition.

Secondly, I have to say that reports of my imminent death are, to the best of my knowledge, greatly exaggerated, unless you've seen some confidential notes I'm not aware of. And I've had my hair cut.

Now I shall cash in on this public display of admiration to ask a favour:

My lifelong mate's parents have both died in the last 18 months or so. They were both in their 90s and season ticket holders for decades. For many years they had an advertisement for their stationery business on top of the Platt Lane; the firm was called Britannic Printing. I've been trying to find a photo of it, but no joy. Even Gary James couldn't come up with anything, although loads of people say they're sure they've seen a picture somewhere. If one exists I'd love to have a copy to give to my mate in their memory. If anyone can give me a clue it would be greatly appreciated.

Frankly, I think it's the least you can do in view of all the pleasure I've given you over the years.

Vamos Barcelona!


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