James Milner

mancity1 said:
Pressed a bit but like everybody else was totally ineffective.

The only positive to come out of the game was that it ended.

Can't disagree with that ....

a dreadful night all round , with the only highlight being the quality of the breakaway from which we scored.

All the Southampton goals were pitiful.
Zabba was outbof position because he correctly presumed we were on the attack having won the free kick.unfortunately it was taken quick Barry was put under pressure and made a hash of it. For the Leeds game I hope he subs hart as pantlimon is plenty good enough and his distribution and domination of area much better. I hope Garcia is left out as I'm faster and would show more commitment.I hope yay a gets his act together as every time he opens his gob about how we are still in it he never shows up on the pitch.can't believe we have no young players to shake it up a bit as it's all too predictable.Mancini was right when he said there were only three playing out there v Southampton.wits up with tevez these days is he injured or lost interest?
xmusampa said:
Zabba was outbof position because he correctly presumed we were on the attack having won the free kick.unfortunately it was taken quick Barry was put under pressure and made a hash of it.

The pundits were questioning though whether Zabalata should have been so far upfield , so early in the game , and they may well have had a point ....

Barry never looked to be decisive in what he intended to do with the ball , and could probably have just put the ball out of play as he found himself being close down , but he opted to take the Southampton guy on , and failed ...... and when they broke into our area we just didn't have the cover to competently deal with it.
xmusampa said:
Zabba was outbof position because he correctly presumed we were on the attack having won the free kick.unfortunately it was taken quick Barry was put under pressure and made a hash of it. For the Leeds game I hope he subs hart as pantlimon is plenty good enough and his distribution and domination of area much better. I hope Garcia is left out as I'm faster and would show more commitment.I hope yay a gets his act together as every time he opens his gob about how we are still in it he never shows up on the pitch.can't believe we have no young players to shake it up a bit as it's all too predictable.Mancini was right when he said there were only three playing out there v Southampton.wits up with tevez these days is he injured or lost interest?

No one put in , even Zaba was a shadow of what he has been this year.
Milner has always been and always will be nothing more than a squad player for a title winning side, the fact that we are saying he should start now says more about the quality of our squad.
WNRH said:
Milner has always been and always will be nothing more than a squad player for a title winning side, the fact that we are saying he should start now says more about the quality of our squad.
I'm afraid I agree with this. Although he definitely should have started yesterday - because of the lack of quality in our squad.
Joehannes said:
WNRH said:
Milner has always been and always will be nothing more than a squad player for a title winning side, the fact that we are saying he should start now says more about the quality of our squad.
I'm afraid I agree with this. Although he definitely should have started yesterday - because of the lack of quality in our squad.

Completely disagree. It's this sort of blinkered attitude that resulted in him being left out after being man of the match in the last game. Just because he isn't the most talented or technically gifted player does not mean he is not worthy of a place in a top team. Every top side needs players like him.

He covers more ground than any other player in the side and is the only player we have who can find a yard of space and deliver a quality ball at the moment (apart from kolarov and maicon who have both been injured but should both start now they are fit as they offer us more width).
^Fair play, mate. You disagree and I completely understand where you're coming from regarding him covering ground and so on. I do feel that there are sides out there with players who also have similar players but either with more quality or pace. I disagree about his crossing, it's a bit of a mixed bag in all honesty but it was good last month.

For me, the player who should be covering the most ground is the ball-winner in the midfield, Vidal, Khedira etc..but I don't thing James possesses the same ilk for sniffing out the ball as those two, and despite being the best striker of a ball in our squad, he' not the finest of passers in terms of finding the right weight for 15/20 yard balls.
I'd have Milner in my starting XI for his workrate. His crossing needs to be a lot better though. Too many pointless high balls

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