James Milner

hallstreetblue said:
Shaelumstash said:
hallstreetblue said:
Mate, you're just waitin for someone to say somethin positive about James Milner on here, or even Müller for that matter; then you pounce! All I've done here is praise them both. He is a grafter. Maldeika is Bayern through and through and she's agreeing with me on this. Do one with your intelligence shite. I've had it all before on here. It's all down to GRAFT and him having the quality around him. FFS! Write whatever bollox you like now, I won't be coming back to this thread.

This bit in bold is why England will probably never win a World Cup again. It's why there's so few English players play in the PL now. It's why the standard of our kids is so far behind the rest of Europe. It's why the standard of football on a Sunday morning is so appalling.

Italy, Spain, Holland, Germany, Brazil, Argentina all value technique and intelligence over graft, it's not done their development any harm while English players lag decades behind. Ignorance is bliss for some though I guess.

On another note, I think Milner will probably start tonight, and I expect him to have a very good game. He always plays well against the rags.

Right, okay. I've gone and done it. Like a right cnut, I've come back to this thread, when I said I wouldn't.
My dear fellow Blue, if you'd take the time to read some of my past posts, or better still, the threads I've started on the state of grass roots football in the UK, or my support for Wythenshawe Amateurs you'd see that you have misinterpreted everything I've said. I coach in Germany, I've coached kids that have ( to my sheer and utter delight) gone on to play for professional clubs in Germany. What you're saying above, is absolutely and utterly bang on the fookin money. There ya go, we are actually on the same wave length. My point about Thomas Müller is.....as I've pointed out, he is an outstanding player, an unbelievable talent. You'll never see him shy out of a challenge. He'll always run his twattin Salford Docks off for the shirt, badge, club and country. His knowledge of the game, his movement off the ball and an eye for goal. All this adds up to an outstanding player, not skillful, but he doesn't need that in his game; the others do that for him. All the people I speak to here, agree with all this, beit Bayern fans, football coaches, or general enthusiasts. Me saying he's the hod carrier of the team, is not meant in any negative way. He'll always give 110%, as will James Milner. I was defending Milner, as I thought you were underrating him big style. I stayed calm in my posts, but you kept coming back with your comments and I'm thinkin, "what is this guy on? I'm praising both and yet still, everything I say is bollox." That's what pissed me off, that's why I got anti. My apologies for that.

Were you at the game last night mate? I'm not scapegoating him, but that "cross" he put in down the left channel in injury time kind of sums Milner up for me. A willing runner and hard worker, but lacks the composure and quality in the final third to be a top player.
ElanJo said:
Squad player at best. Could you imagine him getting game time at the likes of Bayern, Barca, Real? lol

He can be good but he has too many games where he looks like a pub team player - like tonight
No but coincidently he can play Bayern off there own park on his own
Kun Aguero said:
bluethai said:
Milner needs a pass master like Silva to play along side, not a dribbler like Nasri who always break rhythm of his run.

Stop talking sense. Jimmy's clearly brain dead and shit and English.

Not everything is meant to go through Nasri..If Milner can only play with Silva then that proves his doubters right, MIlner Had the ball just as much as Nasri and nothing he attempted came off, nothing
He's never raised his game sufficiently to play for a side competing for the title. I don't recall Arsenal, Chelsea or U****d ever coming in for him. Perhaps he can link up with Barry at Everton? I'd obviously be happy to keep him as a versatile squad member and regular in the match day squad but he was poor last night.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
ElanJo said:
Squad player at best. Could you imagine him getting game time at the likes of Bayern, Barca, Real? lol

He can be good but he has too many games where he looks like a pub team player - like tonight
No but coincidently he can play Bayern off there own park on his own

So close to making a good point, but you had to get greedy.
Same folks who couldn't get enough of Milner after the Bayern and Anfield games, now want his head on a platter.

Or is it that only "established" superstars like Yaya or Aguero are allowed to have off days?
I like Milner, and his determination, but for us its always a limited role is what he can expect. We will never play a system where he will be a regular. Coming in from the bench, play the 20-30% of league games as starters, thats the role he will have next seasons as well.

He works hard, sometimes he does great things, in big matches he really does great things, Pool away, Bayern away, United away in 6-1. But for every occassion like this, he starts vs shit opponents and plays like this vs Sunderland. At least he worked hard, but hardly made one good play, cross, and simply lost the ball countless times and made faults after it. Shaked his head so many times, I didnt know whats wrong with him.

Squad player, no more. Sometimes he looks more than that. He isnt.
He needs much more space than our technically better players, against better side you get that as they actually attack you, but against teams sitting back he just doesn't look good enough at all. All his best games have been against the better sides, I can't recall too many good performances against lesser sides. Great for pressing other teams defenders on the ball, great for breaks or for making runs in behind fullbacks, but if the space isn't there then he really struggles

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