James Milner

RandomJ said:
City Glory While Others Fade said:
oakiecokie said:
Where is your proof keyboardwarrior ????

No proof.....that would make a discussion forum a bit irrelevant if we had proof for everything. Opinions are far more interesting. Unfortunately with this were gonna have to wait till either he signs or he stalls till his contract expires before we get the proof that you seek!

You seem to think the club is run by a bunch of retards who would let us lose an asset like James for free. There will be a deadline on his new contract to be signed or we will sell him in January.

I'm sure he'll be sold in the January sales!. If it comes to that it'll be the proof his excuse of lack of playing time was just a lame excuse, an excuse the media have been using for the last few years about every young player City are involved with.
oakiecokie said:
City Glory While Others Fade said:
oakiecokie said:
He has options as I`m sure you`ll agree,is a wise move before committing yourself to something.Are you married by the way ?

I'm sure he does and those options will have only been improved for James because of his time at city. His excuse is lack of time on the pitch, he's not going to get any assurances from Roma or Arsenal on that score. I'd be dissapointed if he leaves not because he's a 9/10 player but he's a consistent 6/10 player who gives 100% for the cause. I believe he's stalling at if that's proved the case I'd be more dissapointed about that as I believe he morally owes more to the club. Was married but am not now.

I honestly believe the guy when he says he wants more playing time.Ask any fans from Leeds,Newcastle or Villa and the one thing they all believe in,Jimmy is/was a model professional and is more motivated by professionalism than money.
He has earned the right to ask for more time on the pitch and although no-one should be given a god given right,then all he`s asking for is assurances,something which even his manager has described as "James knows my feelings about him".
Lest be honest there were times last season that JM should have been given more playing time,after some great displays and who was the first to be dropped ? Yep !! He`s not everyones cup of tea and will never be a Silva,but I do admire him for his effort,which so far this season has been far in excess than that of Toure and Nasri and even Fernandinho.

I happen to believe it's a lame excuse. I want Milner to stay because he's a model professional who gives 100%, he's not talented enough to get assurances so I'm not sure what he expects from Pellers on that score , I don't believe anyone should be guaranteed playing time.
Yes he should have played more and James himself has said he'd made it easy for the manager to drop him as he didn't complain, whose fault that is I don't know as he should be applauded for just getting on with things. If playing time is his real issue It's as if he's been a victim of his own actions which us a shame.
Let's hope he gets the playing time he's looking for which with Yaya off again to the ACON's may happen. I hope he signs the contract, if he does I'll be happy to admit I was talking horeshit.
City Glory While Others Fade said:
RandomJ said:
City Glory While Others Fade said:
Milner's has earnt £16million with City as oppose to £2 million had he stayed at Villa. I wish I was on shit money like James!! That's not the point though is, I always had James as a standup guy, seems like he's just stringing the club along with a lame excuse. By the way I'm sure the contract offer was an improvement on his current £80k per week deal, as with Kompany, Aguero, Nasri, Dzeko, Kolarov . If he wants to leave no problem, just be fuckin honest about it.

You have no fucking proof he is stringing the club along. You are treating this as a personal attack. Mills and Bridge are examples of players taking the piss out of the club but Milner working his arse off every single game is not an example of a player taking the piss. Either post evidence that James is a evil mastermind intent on leaving the club on a free or shut the fuck up about it.

He's entered the last year of his contract and refused to sign a contract offered to him. I hope he does sign but his excuses of wanting to play more will not be improved by moving to another club. Shut the fuck up? Stop swallowing those braves pills....you may choke on them.

What? Just like Lescott, Barry and Micah fucking Richards? Is Richards stringing the club along as well? What a fucking mercenary that Micah Richards is.

Micah was on 0.01% of his current wage when playing for Oldham as a youth. He's quite clearly using the club to engineer a move to Fiorentina.
stony said:
City Glory While Others Fade said:
Your comments are bizarre

That's because you're a reactionary idiot who is incapable of reading a clearly worded post.

That's a bit personal and unnecessary!
City Glory While Others Fade said:
.....I never said he hadn't already played for England
You said everything he has is thanks to City. Which is clearly fucking horseshit. He didn't come through our academy, so we can't claim to have made him a footballer. He won his England caps long before he signed for us, so we can't claim credit for that either.

In club football all he has won is with City, as football is a team game James Milner's club success has more to do with City's 25 man squad who he won trophies with than which academy that he trained to play football at!

City Glory While Others Fade said:
I give you a list of all the reasons why he should stay with City and you appear to refer to the medals Milner has won with City as trivial.
You're putting words in my mouth. The medals aren't trivial, but they aren't the be all and end all. At this stage in his career, playing regularly each week is obviously more important to Milner than winning more medals.

For premier league players in the top 4 clubs who are financially secure the medals and trophies are exactly what it's all about. He is playing regular each week, which other club would give Milner guarantees on playing time ?

City Glory While Others Fade said:
Your suggestion that Milner has suffered as a player with us is utter tosh, you've been reading the Sun too much sat on the toilet. Are you really suggesting he should have stayed at Villa winning no trophies and earning £500k as oppose to £4 mill per year with us. He's also had the benefit of training and being looked after by a much better club which will no doubt of improved him as a player. These are all reasons why he should stay, if he leaves it will be for money and I can guarantee that his years at City will have been his most successful.

Again you haven't really read or understood what I have said. I'll repeat it because you're clearly having difficulty in understanding simple words.

His reputation has suffered. At Villa he was the main man and was often the man of the match and getting rave reviews every week. Which combined with his nationality is obviously what drew him to our attention. These days he mostly starts from the bench. If he's mentioned in the media its often with the tag of "forgotten man"
Other fans dismiss him as a bench warmer. His reputation has suffered.
City Glory While Others Fade said:
He was a big fish in a small pond....he choose to move to City knowing he'd be a fish in a big pond that's gots bigger as we have improved and won more trophies. He is playing regularly for us these days and doing very well. Your repeating the media assertions again that they use for every young player at City because were not the darlings of the moment. How has his reputation suffered when the likes of Arsenal, Liverpool and Roma have been linked with him, were all these clubs in for him when City bought him?

You need to sort out where your loyalties lie, stop believing the media hype that City have ruined every young player that's played for us and get behind the club.

I know exactly where my loyalties lie, I've been a City fan for over 40 years and I don't need a runny nosed little cock snot like you telling me. I'm just able to see beyond your juvenile rantings.

I apologise for questioning your loyalties, my reference was in respect of you appearing to be putting James Milner's interests before City. I'm a season ticket holder of 32 years and is some time since I was a juvenile but I do look young for my age so I'll thank you and take it as a compliment. Again sorry if I got your heart racing, sit down relax and have a cup of tea. End of my rant :-)
City Glory While Others Fade said:
oakiecokie said:
City Glory While Others Fade said:
I'm sure he does and those options will have only been improved for James because of his time at city. His excuse is lack of time on the pitch, he's not going to get any assurances from Roma or Arsenal on that score. I'd be dissapointed if he leaves not because he's a 9/10 player but he's a consistent 6/10 player who gives 100% for the cause. I believe he's stalling at if that's proved the case I'd be more dissapointed about that as I believe he morally owes more to the club. Was married but am not now.

I honestly believe the guy when he says he wants more playing time.Ask any fans from Leeds,Newcastle or Villa and the one thing they all believe in,Jimmy is/was a model professional and is more motivated by professionalism than money.
He has earned the right to ask for more time on the pitch and although no-one should be given a god given right,then all he`s asking for is assurances,something which even his manager has described as "James knows my feelings about him".
Lest be honest there were times last season that JM should have been given more playing time,after some great displays and who was the first to be dropped ? Yep !! He`s not everyones cup of tea and will never be a Silva,but I do admire him for his effort,which so far this season has been far in excess than that of Toure and Nasri and even Fernandinho.

I happen to believe it's a lame excuse. I want Milner to stay because he's a model professional who gives 100%, he's not talented enough to get assurances so I'm not sure what he expects from Pellers on that score , I don't believe anyone should be guaranteed playing time.
Yes he should have played more and James himself has said he'd made it easy for the manager to drop him as he didn't complain, whose fault that is I don't know as he should be applauded for just getting on with things. If playing time is his real issue It's as if he's been a victim of his own actions which us a shame.
Let's hope he gets the playing time he's looking for which with Yaya off again to the ACON's may happen. I hope he signs the contract, if he does I'll be happy to admit I was talking horeshit.

Whats a lame excuse ?? He`s had the balls to say he will look at things over the season and he has every right to wait and see what may happen come June 2015.Its his prerogative as its his contract,just as you don`t have to sign a contract at your place of employment.
I think you`re missing the point,that this isn`t all to do with money,as most other City players have signed a new contract which will hardly guarantee them a better financial package unless they win something.
It seems like we've got some Arsenal fans in here, thinking that our players are slaves and aren't allowed to leave at the end of their contracts. It's entirely his choice, it doesn't make him disloyal, or a mercenary, nor is he obliged to sign a new contract. He has seen out his contract without complaint, now has every right to look into his options now he's nearing the end of it. He can seek assurances if he wants, he can seek more money if he wants, or he can seek a new team if he wants, all these things are his right after seeing out the duration of his contract. It will surely get sorted one way or the other in January, untill then there is little point in throwing insults at him or question his character.
stony said:
His reputation has suffered. At Villa he was the main man and was often the man of the match and getting rave reviews every week. Which combined with his nationality is obviously what drew him to our attention. These days he mostly starts from the bench. If he's mentioned in the media its often with the tag of "forgotten man"
Other fans dismiss him as a bench warmer. His reputation has suffered.

Nonsense. He's won two titles, an FA Cup, and a league cup, and has played alongside some of the best footballers in the world.

The only place his reputation has suffered as "forgotten man" or a bench warmer is amongst the great Sun reading masses or some Talkshite journalist.
jimmy on current form is the best english midfield player in the country , and he is getting regular starts for the champions of england . What i dont understand , if silva , toure , nasri give a man of the match performance they will never be be dropped for the next game , but if jimmy had a MofM performance , there is every chance he does get dropped to the bench , and this must be the main cause for concern for him. He is a vastly underrated player by a lot of supporters and the media , perhaps he should change his name to Milnerinho and lose that tyke accent of his.
jimmygrimblesboots said:
jimmy on current form is the best english midfield player in the country , and he is getting regular starts for the champions of england . What i dont understand , if silva , toure , nasri give a man of the match performance they will never be be dropped for the next game , but if jimmy had a MofM performance , there is every chance he does get dropped to the bench , and this must be the main cause for concern for him. He is a vastly underrated player by a lot of supporters and the media , perhaps he should change his name to Milnerinho and lose that tyke accent of his.

It's a team game and Milner is rotatable
Mister Appointment said:
stony said:
His reputation has suffered. At Villa he was the main man and was often the man of the match and getting rave reviews every week. Which combined with his nationality is obviously what drew him to our attention. These days he mostly starts from the bench. If he's mentioned in the media its often with the tag of "forgotten man"
Other fans dismiss him as a bench warmer. His reputation has suffered.

Nonsense. He's won two titles, an FA Cup, and a league cup, and has played alongside some of the best footballers in the world.

The only place his reputation has suffered as "forgotten man" or a bench warmer is amongst the great Sun reading masses or some Talkshite journalist.

So his reputation has only suffered to the two and a half million Sun readers and the three million talksport listeners. As long as its only those 5+ million I suppose its not really been affected.

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