James Milner

squirtyflower said:
chris85mcfc said:
squirtyflower said:
i guess that may be a tad expensive from Tennessee

I think anyone that thinks Yaya is earning $300,000 a week, and very rarely puts a shift in, should be taken with a pinch of salt

But feel free to clutch at straws :)
i'm clutching at nothing as i have no need

i'm just pointing out the irony
I think that's geography, not irony ;)
ColinLee said:
squirtyflower said:
chris85mcfc said:
I think anyone that thinks Yaya is earning $300,000 a week, and very rarely puts a shift in, should be taken with a pinch of salt

But feel free to clutch at straws :)
i'm clutching at nothing as i have no need

i'm just pointing out the irony
I think that's geography, not irony ;)
for the original post by the lady from tennessee
OB1 said:
de niro said:
i think he would do a job tbh but i'm with you on the stats shit. they can fudge them all they like i prefer to see with my own eyes.

Ah the old I'll rely on my eyes cliche; especially popular when facts get in the way of people's opinions (even if you do seem to be agreeing with me on this).

It's utter bollocks that stats are not useful and anyone who does not use them in conjunction with watching matches just is not seeing the whole picture.

It is easy to dismiss stats (lies, lies and damned statistics) and it is unfortunate that they are even referred to as stats due to the negative connotations the word often has. They would be much better be described as performance indicators, which are an essential part of running any professional operation and most top managers in football will pay them a lot of attention these days.

The absolute fact is that the eyes play tricks and people can be swayed by their bias. Whilst the stats recording for football are not always perfect, they are totally objective measures and used sensibly are very useful.

I have an excellent seat at the Etihad and I like to combine watching the match in person with going home and, preferably, seeing a recording of the whole game plus MotD, Goals on Sunday and a good look at the stats and chalkboards that are available. It helps to get a rounded perspective on things (a balanced scorecard approach, if you will) and definitely helps to spot people who are talking rubbish (that comment is not directed at Bill; at least, not this time ;-) ).

It's been said that some stats are useful but, for the case in hand, stats that suggest that Yaya Toure covers more ground than Edin Dzeko or Serg doesn't make him a better option to play as a makeshift striker than James Milner and that point has, it seems, been your main point.

It's an absolute fact that we haven't seen either of them play the role, therefore we don't actually know and were just giving opinions on a City forum. To dismiss other opinions as rubbish or nonsense is ridiculous, especially when there is clearly no right or wrong answer to the debate between Yaya & Milner being the better option.

My main point was not that Yaya covers more ground than our strikers: my main point was that Yaya is endowed with more ability than Milner that has relevance to playing striker. In fact, if running around a lot was the key criteria, Milner would have the edge. The point about distance covered by Yaya compared to our main strikers is a response to the idea that Yaya won't do enough of it if he plays striker. However, given that he could actually cover less ground than he normally does and still do more running than Dzeko or Aguero, I am challenging the accusation being leveled at Yaya as not being ground in any discernible facts.

You or anyone else is entitled to their opinion but mine is most definitely that Yaya is more likely to put the ball in the net than Milner if he plays up front. Hardly a startling conclusion.

And, FWIW, I have said elsewhere that my pick would be to put Nasri in the role of our most advanced player.
If Milner plays as a Striker today, I can see him playing very well. This could be the turning point for most people's opinions of him, he's so incredibly versatile, technically proficient, gives absolutely everything. He can play (almost) anywhere on the pitch, we only really need to try him at CB or in goal! (Hopefully he'll never have to).

Uuuuh yeah, go Milner!

EDIT : Okay so maybe he wasn't as good there as I'd hoped : (
From now on a small part of me will forever wish for Joe Hart to get a red card after we make all three of our subs, I want Milner to complete the set damn it!

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