Jamie Carragher

the bit I find odd about his media presence is that I don't see why he is getting the jobs, he isn't professional, the US stuff he does he often speaks he is like a child that doesnt know the limit and keeps pushing. The spitting incident didnt seem to effect his career and maybe this is just my opinion but generally unlikeable character with a lack of any insight.
The fact that this vile creature is employed by anyone tells you all you need to know about modern media standards..
There was a time when, if you stepped out of line publicly and did something which brought unwanted attention or shame to your employer then that was it, here's your card, Bang! YOU'RE FIRED!

Those days seem like an eternity ago in almost all walks of "famous" public life.
Now these people simply release a statement which implies that they're "sorry" and in a heartbeat they're welcomed back into their cushy, well paid jobs, with zero lessons learned.

How can any of these people feel real remorse for their actions if there isn't any actual punishment for what they've done? I'm sure many of them would only really understand the meaning of the word if their income and their public positions were taken away from them.

Can't stand the arrogant biased ****, but he's just another product of the failed system.
I wouldnt stress the mans that fooking arrogant that at some point hes bound to put his foot in it again.

Nothing but a spitting rat and im decked that you lot dont let it be known when hes at your place on commentary
You can see hes pushing it to the limit and sooner or later it will catch him out

Maybe so

Anyway, you can just tell he's a prick of a fella.

People lump Neville in with him but I don't care about Gary Neville, I think just think he's a bit of a hypocrite in his supposed morals (most people are) and he's typical rag, but I don't think he's a bad fella.

Carragher on the other hand, you know he's an absolute cock. No doubt he's even worse in real life.

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