Jeremy Clarkson : Execute strikers

Fuck sake Danny i wanna smash my screen just looking at that twat Brand, what an unfunny annoying grade A wankshite sack of tittybollocks.

I would happily pay to watch his execution...he royally fucked up Arthur also, Thankfully the yanks panned it and it was in the petty station 3 quid bin sharpish.
TCIB said:
Fuck sake Danny i wanna smash my screen just looking at that twat Brand, what an unfunny annoying grade A wankshite sack of tittybollocks.

I would happily pay to watch his execution...he royally fucked up Arthur also, Thankfully the yanks panned it and it was in the petty station 3 quid bin sharpish.

I quite like him to be honest, although I haven't seen Arthur I doubt my opinion would change. He's the anti-Clarkson and I love him for that.

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