Jeremy Clarkson : Execute strikers

dannybcity said:
TCIB said:
Fuck sake Danny i wanna smash my screen just looking at that twat Brand, what an unfunny annoying grade A wankshite sack of tittybollocks.

I would happily pay to watch his execution...he royally fucked up Arthur also, Thankfully the yanks panned it and it was in the petty station 3 quid bin sharpish.

I quite like him to be honest, although I haven't seen Arthur I doubt my opinion would change. He's the anti-Clarkson and I love him for that.

Fair enough that mate, Each to their own and all that. :)
BoyBlue_1985 said:
dannybcity said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Well i siad 2 seperate things do you mean both or a particular one?

Both please.

Well Barclays never used Government money to prop itself up during the crisis and so is privatly owned and makes profits. So why should they not pay out bonuses.
I think the first one is self explanatory
Obviously you feel different but i will build a bridge and fall off it
defending the financial architects of the destruction of the world's economies is obviously a wind-up,worthy of clarkson at his lowest,or holocaust denier even
I think Jeremy Clarkson's kids should be shot in front of Jeremy Clarkson.

Only Joking! ;)
Jeremy Clarkson is just really a tory boy private educated, light denim wearing, bad haircutted, poster boy for 14 year old males, tucked in shirt, middle aged trying to be twenty five, attention seeking, desperate, sell out, un-fucking-funny, hypocrite, daily mail reading, look down his nose type of prick.... I could go on.. oh shit yeah those tucked in bad shirts..... tosser

Nah not joking.
Is anyone eatching BBC1 right now? They have 2 guys in discussing this very issue. One for Clarkson, one against. The guy against him hates the man outright, he even said so and thinks that he should make a donation to families in Guatemala who have had a loved one shot? He basically said Clarkson is wrong because he is on £1 Million a year, what the f&^k has that got to do with anything??? I said it last night and i will say it again. Watch the entire interview and you will see he gives a different view at the start. He then goes on to say "this is the BBC so i have to give a balanced view" then goes on to give an opinion from the other side of the coin. People in this country are a joke at times. What he said wasnt even half as bad as some of the things he has come out with. People jumping on the bandwagon simply because they dont like the man.
Amazing country we live in.

Homeless people, kids being beaten, women and men raped in their own homes, paedos, fuel prices, the cost of living, taxes, union officials and MP's stuffing their fat faces with our cash, over crowded roads, thousands of illegals roaming the streets etc etc...

And what do we complain about the most?

A public figure being a bit mental whilst trying to flog a few DVD's.
BimboBob said:
Amazing country we live in.

Homeless people, kids being beaten, women and men raped in their own homes, paedos, fuel prices, the cost of living, taxes, union officials and MP's stuffing their fat faces with our cash, over crowded roads, thousands of illegals roaming the streets etc etc...

And what do we complain about the most?

A public figure being a bit mental whilst trying to flog a few DVD's.

Well its easy to ignore most of it as it doesn't directly effect them
mackenzie said:
Pigeonho said:
mackenzie said:
It didn't make me laugh though ( and I do have a good sense of humour).
It didn't even make me smile.
It just made me think ' oh fook off you boring pretentious twat.'
And as the saying goes, to each their own
Agreed ;-)
But he is still very unfunny.
Wow, so your opinion is the correct one?

Can I have a list of what and who I am allowed to find amusing?<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 02, 2011 11:10 am --<br /><br />
mackenzie said:
Oh one more thing ;-)
Top gear used to be a great programme until it adopted this current style.
It's crap now.

Yet it's far more successful both in ratings terms and commercially for the BBC around the world.
SWP's back said:
mackenzie said:
Oh one more thing ;-)
Top gear used to be a great programme until it adopted this current style.
It's crap now.

Yet it's far more successful both in ratings terms and commercially for the BBC around the world.
Are you saying that ratings and commercial success equate to quality programming?
HorshamBlue said:
SWP's back said:
mackenzie said:
Oh one more thing ;-)
Top gear used to be a great programme until it adopted this current style.
It's crap now.

Yet it's far more successful both in ratings terms and commercially for the BBC around the world.
Are you saying that ratings and commercial success equate to quality programming?
Not always but surely if a programme becomes worse than it's success shouldn't increase.

Can you point to examples of that happening? Two should do.

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