It's not really a celebration though is it? it's just a daft chant of stuff and nonsense that just happens to be about Jihadi John. It's not at thought someone's really sat down, and put pen to paper to offer a well considered riposte to Isis. Arguably that's why so many of us aren't enamoured with the chant - simply because it's not some heartfelt message, it's just a silly chant.
There would be a markedly different response from many fans were it a properly thought out action. Even so, it would seem that large numbers of supporters would rather just not mix football and politics at all.
I think we need to stop confusing this chant with something deep and meaningful. It's just a childish ditty that seemingly entertained a fair few fans for a short while, but in the cold light of day is a bit naff. I don't think anybody's really believed it was meant to be offensive, and probably many have taken offence too easily too, but I think most of those who did chant it would be hard pressed to justify continuing it. We've got a far better chants, and there'll be far wittier and more apt ones to come (I hope!)
Agreed, however comments about fear of reprisals and others nearly hinting at offending terrorist, as being reasons for it not to be sung are wrong. It's another in a long line of basic puerile football chants.