JO - Everton on Loan

alera said:
Well if the shoe fits....

Whatever. When Eto'o has scored 25 league goals next season, with or without Lescott in the team, and we've pipped Everton to 5th, my point will then be proven. We have TOO MANY STRIKERS, by letting Jo go, it enables Eto'o to come in but not have us with a ludicrous amount of strikers, 70% of which would be rotting away in the reserves. What if Everton are the only ones who want Jo? If no-one else wnats him but they come in with a concrete offer for a 12 months loan period, pay half or all his wages, which in turn lets us bring Eto'o in...whats the bastard problem?
Obviously its beyond you. I have explained what I think at the end of the day. We dont agree so whats the problem ? Your previous post just proved my opinion of you anyway.

Like I said pointless argument in the first place. We will get Lescott and they will get Jo and thats fine...

Some people just want to argue for the sake of it....

I will point out you are simply making assumptiom.....on assumption.....on assumption......

All I said originally was they get Jo we dont get Lescott = shit deal for city. Us signing Eto or any other player has nothing to do with this at all.

Jo could be sent out on loan anywhere at the end of the day. Plenty of clubs would want him.
alera said:
Obviously its beyond you. I have explained what I think at the end of the day. We dont agree so whats the problem ? Your previous post just proved my opinion of you anyway.

Like I said pointless argument in the first place. We will get Lescott and they will get Jo and thats fine...

Some people just want to argue for the sake of it....

My previous post was because instead of just leaving it and realising people have a difference of opinion, you had to label those who don't agree with you as WUM's, thats why I called you a fucking idiot, a view which I fully stand by.
Which is why I said you are a wum and one with a pretty low level of intelligence obviously......
this argument is sooo last january

look, in business, you have different relationships.

with chelsea, they've got a track record of tapping up and sharp practise. they are where we want to be, so we will not do them any favours, in fact, it's in our interest to rattle their cage wherever possible, especially their trump card (money) is useless when we become involved.

with everton, they are a decent sort, and although they might even finish ahead of us again next season (although I doubt it), they are not our rivals for our longer term goals of top four football and trophies. there is potential for a mutually beneficial relationship. we want lescott now, but arteta or whoever could be next, and they may well take more players on loan, where we benefit from the experience and development the player gets.

send em jo, we don't want him, and not having to buy a striker may well help them in their search for replacements for the players we are after.
No people who argue for the sake of it and call people fucking idiots are a wum.
alera said:
No people who argue for the sake of it and call people fucking idiots are a wum.

You fell into the trap there my friend. You called us WUM's, (those who don't agree with you), before I called you a fucking idiot, because my labelling us WUM's, a fucking idiot is what you are. What you obviosuly don't get is that we're not argueing for the sake of it, we're putting our view tell me, who is the one who has little intelligence?
Great! We send Jo on loan, he gets 20 goals, we get Lescott this season, Jo comes back a 20 goal goalscorer.

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