Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

Bugs Bunny said:
Capital punishment is proven to be of no deterrent.

I also wonder if those commenting on prison being a 'holiday camp' have ever actually been in one.

I suppose you make a fare comment and you are correct..I have never been inside!
However you can't tell me that the likes of Huntly, Sutcliffe and those little bastards who killed Jamie Bulger are punished enough whilst they are locked up!
And for a start them little f*kers are out now...makes me sick tbh mate but I know excatly where your coming from regarding violance breeding violance!
Judge Roughneck said:
Bugs Bunny said:
Capital punishment is proven to be of no deterrent.

I also wonder if those commenting on prison being a 'holiday camp' have ever actually been in one.

0% re-offending rate.

Brilliant, what an answer. It quite obviously stops all murders/rapes etc in America, China, Uganda, Taiwan, Thailand, Sudan, Saudi Arabia etc....

gazhinio said:
Bugs Bunny said:
Capital punishment is proven to be of no deterrent.

I also wonder if those commenting on prison being a 'holiday camp' have ever actually been in one.

I suppose you make a fare comment and you are correct..I have never been inside!
However you can't tell me that the likes of Huntly, Sutcliffe and those little bastards who killed Jamie Bulger are punished enough whilst they are locked up!
And for a start them little f*kers are out now...makes me sick tbh mate but I know excatly where your coming from regarding violance breeding violance!

Having my freedom taken away from me would be punishment enough. Justice should be exactly what it says, it shouldn't be about revenge or retribution.
softlad said:
Yeah that's one bent,fucked up corrupt conviction you mention .... I'm saying with irrefutable evidence. Perhaps there needs to be a reform of the judiciary system anyway to eradicate the corruption that still goes on

Technically it was 4 primarily, along with the rest of the Maguire family.....

Then there was Derek Bentley, The Birmingham Six, Judith Ward, Bridgewater Three amongst many.

Plus there is no such thing as irrefutable evidence. You take what is put in front of you as the gospel, but as with all technological advances, things change, evidence becomes unsafe....

Plus, you didnt comment on how you would feel if you commited someone to death to then find out they were innocent. Could you deal with that!?

Probably could not live if I had helped commit someone to death and then the conviction was proved bollocks. How could anyone deal with that? Be honest though mate, you're addressing cases from years ago where forensic evidence was scarily inferior. nowadays I would skip jury service if it was on the say so of anyones evidence
Bugs Bunny said:
I've never been able to fully comprehend the arguement against capital punishment especially when the following points are always raised by those who oppose it (capital punishment):
"violence breeds violence" bollocks. No it does not.
"they could convict the wrong person" unequivocally have the guilty party bang to rights
"It isn't civilized" neither is murdering someone, as someone has already posted, an eye for an eye ... is it such a bad thing?

Violence breeds violence. It's a fact. Is it? where's the facts .. Do you know how much more likely it is for someone to grown up violent if they've seen it all their life?

Plenty of people have been 'bang to rights' when convicted only to find out that a miscarriage of justice has occurred.yep, back in them olden days Bit fucking late to say sorry if you've executed someone isn't it?

Murdering someone isn't civilised of course. But how the fuck can executing someone be civilised either? If you behave uncivilized, do you earn the right to still be treated in a civilized manner?

On top of these, the death penalty is no deterrent. Again, a proven fact. Disagree. as pointed out, 100% success rate

Oh, it's more expensive than locking up someone for life too. At least it is when you have the proper checks and balances in place. Even the most rabid pro-death penalty people should see the need for these unless they don't believe in any justice system whatsoever.Cant understand this, are we only spending so much on proving people guilty? Whereas if we did prove beyond doubt someone was and we slipped a hessian sling round there throats that would honestly be dearer than giving them a lifetime in prison on playstations,vids,baccy and jobs? fucking bollocks. Let them sway
I wonder if you'd feel differently if something like this happened to a member of your family.

People like Ian Huntley serve no dicernable (sp) use to the human race, they are sub human and a drain on society.

I have always said I would happily pay for the bullet when it comes to him, And that would be to good for him.

And if it was a member of my family or someone i loved i'd say a bullet would be to good for him i shudder to think what would enter my mind as punnishment in that case

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