Joanna Yeates - Student murdered

Johnsonontheleft said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I have two children.
Unlike you,I also have a fully-functioning brain.
So go and stick your pointless asumptions where the sun don't shine.

No need to lose your rag.

You're actually right in what you say in your previous post. The problem is, it's thanks to liberal mindsets like yours, as evidenced on other threads, that as a society we're happy to give evil like this (assuming he's guilty) 20 yrs or so in prison, then let him out and allow him to live a normal life, change identity, adopt kids etc.

Until something like this affects you.

I tend to look at things from the victims point of view, which is why I agree with capital punishment, chemical castration for rapists and paedos and I disagree with things like building a mosque next to Ground Zero.

I only 'lose my rag' when an idiot whom I have never met makes incorrect and stupid assumptions about me.
If my assuming that anyone deserves a fair and proper trial gives me a 'liberal mindset' in your eyes,then so be it.
Lucky Toma suggested yesterday that you are probably the worst poster on this forum.
At the time,I had reservations,but you seem hell bent on proving him correct.
Challenger1978 said:
de niro said:
would not make the courts, nothing and i mean nothing would stop me from killing him stone dead. having a daughter that age makes me shudder at the thought of the loss her parents feel.

I wouldn't blame you in the slightest in fact if i was a copper i'd hand him over to you.
There was a case in Romania I think it was, where a woman had been raped and murdered by 2 men. The family were allowed by the authorities to carry out the sentence of death by firing squad. Footage was online, (toxic junction), which also had the background of the story. I know that will never be allowed to happen here, and the footage looked very old so i'm sure its not allowed there now either, but put the parents of that woman in a room alongside the parents of, for example, Holly Wells, and I bet I know who will feel more like they can move on. I normally stand for letting someone rot in a 6ft by 7ft cell, with water and bread 3 times a day for the rest of their lives. No window, no human contact, just the most basic existence imaginable, but there are cases sometimes where if you had the chance of carrying out corporal punishment yourself, you would just have to take it.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
No need to lose your rag.

You're actually right in what you say in your previous post. The problem is, it's thanks to liberal mindsets like yours, as evidenced on other threads, that as a society we're happy to give evil like this (assuming he's guilty) 20 yrs or so in prison, then let him out and allow him to live a normal life, change identity, adopt kids etc.

Until something like this affects you.

I tend to look at things from the victims point of view, which is why I agree with capital punishment, chemical castration for rapists and paedos and I disagree with things like building a mosque next to Ground Zero.

I only 'lose my rag' when an idiot whom I have never met makes incorrect and stupid assumptions about me.
If my assuming that anyone deserves a fair and proper trial gives me a 'liberal mindset' in your eyes,then so be it.
Lucky Toma suggested yesterday that you are probably the worst poster on this forum.
At the time,I had reservations,but you seem hell bent on proving him correct.

For someone so keen for mods to enforce the CoC, it's strange that you would offend and insult another poster by calling them an idiot.

Let's just agree to disagree shall we?
Johnsonontheleft said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I only 'lose my rag' when an idiot whom I have never met makes incorrect and stupid assumptions about me.
If my assuming that anyone deserves a fair and proper trial gives me a 'liberal mindset' in your eyes,then so be it.
Lucky Toma suggested yesterday that you are probably the worst poster on this forum.
At the time,I had reservations,but you seem hell bent on proving him correct.

For someone so keen for mods to enforce the CoC, it's strange that you would offend and insult another poster by calling them an idiot.

Let's just agree to disagree shall we?

My suggestion (as a general rule) would be to stop acting like an idiot if being labelled one insults and offends.
Yay, let's get a lynch mob together! Fuck it if we get the wrong bloke, at least it will send out a message that we're not prepared to put up with this sort of shit.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
bluemanc said:
I'm very surprised it's not the boyfriend.

he was away for the weekend and looked absolutely distraught in the press conference to the point I just think he'd have to be the absolute shallowest scum of the earth and greatest actor ever to have pulled that off.

I think he's completely innocent.
It was the not being in contact with her thing that got me thinking,he's away from his girlfriend & they aren't phoning/texting each other on a regular basis.
Looks like you are right though.
Pigeonho said:
Challenger1978 said:
I wouldn't blame you in the slightest in fact if i was a copper i'd hand him over to you.
There was a case in Romania I think it was, where a woman had been raped and murdered by 2 men. The family were allowed by the authorities to carry out the sentence of death by firing squad. Footage was online, (toxic junction), which also had the background of the story. I know that will never be allowed to happen here, and the footage looked very old so i'm sure its not allowed there now either, but put the parents of that woman in a room alongside the parents of, for example, Holly Wells, and I bet I know who will feel more like they can move on. I normally stand for letting someone rot in a 6ft by 7ft cell, with water and bread 3 times a day for the rest of their lives. No window, no human contact, just the most basic existence imaginable, but there are cases sometimes where if you had the chance of carrying out corporal punishment yourself, you would just have to take it.

makes you no better than them.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
bluemanc said:
I'm very surprised it's not the boyfriend.

he was away for the weekend and looked absolutely distraught in the press conference to the point I just think he'd have to be the absolute shallowest scum of the earth and greatest actor ever to have pulled that off.

I think he's completely innocent.

There was that case a few years back where a woman kiled her boyfriend but said it was a bloke with "wild staring eyes" who pulled their car over. Then the huntly thing, that woman who was killed on honeymoon the other week - and her husband is caught on CCTV talking to the taxi driver twice beforehand in the hotel.
People making stuff up from the off who seem the least likely are the perpertrators of the crime !
My mrs predicted this when she first saw him 2 days ago and she's no Miss Marple!

Mind you look at him, he looks like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

And a cross dressing homo if you ask me.

I bet he is and if he is why'd he want to murder a young woman?

Maybe he had the hots for her boyfriend ?
The Pope said:
People making stuff up from the off who seem the least likely are the perpertrators of the crime !
My mrs predicted this when she first saw him 2 days ago and she's no Miss Marple!

Mind you look at him, he looks like the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!

And a cross dressing homo if you ask me.

I bet he is and if he is why'd he want to murder a young woman?

Maybe he had the hots for her boyfriend ?

Crimes of a sexual nature are more about the control element rather than a sexual need.

I think the fact that she was on her own for the weekend may have been the crucial factor. If that was known to the person concerned (and it is looking more than likely) then it could have been the catalyst.

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